‘When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?’

Above, US coverage about the tragic outrage in Uvalde, Texas.

Today’s title is taken directly from President Biden’s cri de cœur (https://thehill.com/news/administration/3500540-biden-when-in-gods-name-are-we-going-to-stand-up-to-the-gun-lobby/).

Outside (of the USA) observers will greet the news of the latest mass killing of young children and their teachers by a youth with a military assault rifle with a resigned sense of “Here we go again……” This just keeps on happening and will continue to happen on a regular basis until the USA comes into line with most other advanced nations and implements proper gun control.

Tragically, we in the UK are not helping this situation!


Because what President Biden calls the “gun lobby” repeatedly draws the US voter’s attention to the draconian “over the top” UK gun prohibition laws with the statement, “This is where we [the USA] will end up if we go down this road!”

Banning legal ownership of guns outright is NOT the answer! Implementing a strict and rigorous set of regulations to govern all aspects of gun ownership and use is!

Certain activities require knowledge, skill and are potentially dangerous. A prime example is owning and driving a motor car!

If one wishes to own and drive a motor car on the public highway, there are numerous regulations, procedures and tests one has to go through! A lady who lives “around the corner” and “down the road” from me is a professional driving instructor. She teaches people how to drive a motor car! She helps arrange the person’s driving test! The person must PASS this driving test before they are allowed to drive a motor vehicle (unaccompanied) on the public highway!

Such motor vehicles must be maintained properly! Failure to do so results in an un-roadworthy vehicle and police officers will stop such vehicles from being used! Furthermore, any person found to be drunk in charge of a motor vehicle will not be allowed to continue driving said vehicle and will find themselves barred from driving such in the future!

This is NOT rocket science!

I have a friend who is a former Royal Marines officer.

IF a person wishes to own such as an SA80 assault rifle they should have to abide by sensible requirements and regulations!

They should be assessed as to their overall suitability (absence of criminal record, mental health problems &C.).

Such a weapon (and it’s ammunition) would have to be kept and used at a shooting range which means at no time the person is alone with the weapon and is supervised at all times. They cannot take it outside these premises!

Before they reach that stage they would have to undergo a period of instruction and training in the safe use of such a lethal weapon. Experts – such as my friend would be able to provide this – for a fee!

This is NOT rocket science!


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