South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner By-Election 2014 Herewith the result of the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner By-Election 2014 The election took place on Thursday 30…
Mr Miliband, let Senhor António Horta Osório finish the job YOUR government gave him. Declaration of interest: The Editor is a shareholder in Lloyds Bank. Senhor Osório is the Chief Executive of Lloyds Bank.…
Cameron to Osborne: “That's another fine mess you've got us into!” You could not make it up! Could you? We are of course referring to the little matter of £1.7 billion.…
The NHS: Future Financing. What? You ask Dear Reader: Does the above image has to do with the Future Financing of the NHS? We…
Prostitution and the Swedish model: It's not working. Feminist Labour harridans such as Fiona Margaret Mactaggart the Member for Slough and Harriet Ruth Harman, QC the Member for…
We are FIVE! Well, Dear Reader, this organ celebrates it’s fifth anniversary! An occasion to look forward and to look back. In addition…
José Manuel Durão Barroso or David Cameron: Which of these two men is telling the truth? The answer of course is Senhor Barroso. This of course is related to Cameron’s most extraordinary statement vis-à-vis his stated…
Out of the frying pan and into the fire. This well known phrase was first coined by the Italian author Laurentius Abstemius in his collection of 100 fables, the…
Some Important Reasons for voting UKIP. Doubtless you will be surprised at the choice of image – the noose being placed around the neck of the…
He who pays the piper – calls the tune. Above, Belair House, a country villa built in Adam style leased by Sir Evan Spicer of Spicer’s the paper merchants.…