More ravings from a complete lunatic! NB: The above image is a fabrication aka “fake”! Given the paucity of decent TV material on the terrestrial TV…
I want to be wrong!!! Today Doctor Richard North has posted a most informative blog-post that stands in the starkest contrast to the scaremongering put…
The Truth Is Out There! For those who do not know, the above image and statement comes from the TV Sci-Fi series “The X Files”…
Explaining stupidity. Post by-election autopsies are par for the course with all the mainstream political parties. For once, all the three main…
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Herewith a new report reprinted in full: Christian councillor suspended after tweeting ‘Pride is not a virtue but a sin’…
A rainy day, Tuesday, not Monday and not Friday…………. Image source: By now Dear Reader, you’ll know my penchant for curious titles! Today is 4th July. For our…