The 26th Collection of Parasites: A very strange party!

In his blog-post today (, the excellent Doctor Richard North sheds yet more of that effective disinfectant light upon the goings on leading up to the meeting in Glasgow known as COP26.

It is clear that the UK is set on an extraordinary round of economic self harm. The meeting appears to be a form of mass BDSM session for diplomats and politicians. As with such, there are two types of participant; the dominators and dominatrixs (doms) and the submissives (subs).

Mr Johnson and Mr Biden will be adopting the role of subs whilst such as Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari will be adopting the role of dominators – which of course for these two statesmen must be rich in irony!

The reason for the sarcastic reference to this fetish activity being of course that the developed economies of nations such as the UK and the USA will voluntarily impose self harming measures such as adopting expensive and unreliable forms of electricity generation and with it force their industries into making useless products such as electric lorries (trucks for our American readers)!

Messrs. Johnson and Biden will further flagellate their treasuries by paying “tribute” to their dominators – money to assist countries such as Ghana and Nigeria cope with climate change.

As with “conventional” BDSM sessions, the “subs” will leave feeling better for having being chastised and punished in a controlled and “safe” manner; whilst of course “doms” will leave with cash in their pockets – neither gentleman carries a handbag!

Of course, it is NOT the idiots Johnson and Biden who will experience the pain! It is US – the ordinary citizens and taxpayers! As always, the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies will suffer more than those rich persons who contribute millions to the coffers of the political parties of Messrs. Johnson and Biden!

Some of my neighbours survive on their old age pensions. They are sensible and live modestly. They are not prone to extravagance. Should power cuts occur these folk will not be able to keep the lights – and heating (for many homes near here are “all electric”) on for they will not have backup generators. Unlike the above mentioned rich persons!

Those with a modest car (bought second hand) will find the diesel and petrol progressively increased to pay for the huge subsidies for those richer persons able to afford electric cars!

This of course will force more people to abandon car ownership which of course will make the roads less congested for the wealthy who can afford “EVs”!!!!

This of course is how Messrs. Johnson and Biden intend to achieve their ludicrous “Net Zero Carbon” targets! You see, fewer cars on the road means fewer traffic jams, less wear on the road surface and this reduced expenditure! It will of course please the “Greens” as they oppose all road building and improvements!

Those who cannot afford “EVs” will have a choice! The underlings employed by Messrs. Johnson and Biden have spelled them out! They are:

#1: Walk
#2: Cycle
#3: Bus
#4: Train

NB: #5, Plane will of course be reserved for the wealthy!

The further impoverishment of the poor and vulnerable is not limited to transportation! Indeed, the very essentials of living in the 21st Century will be made to cost more. Much more!

There is much talk of discounts for “low-carbon heat pumps” these are items that even with a discount will only be affordable by the wealthy! Those unable to afford such will be forced to go “all electric” thus placing themselves at the mercy of suppliers limited to electricity generated from very expensive sources! Such as wind turbines!

So there you have it Dear Reader! Messrs. Johnson and Biden intend to tax the poor and give to the rich!


One thought on “The 26th Collection of Parasites: A very strange party!

  1. An acquaintance had the heat-pump system fitted some months ago but, also needed to have all radiators changed, existing not big enough and ditto double glazing not good enough! They have admitted they have yet to find out how good this will be when they experience their first winter. It is already apparent most of us mere mortals, who don’t want this system in any case, will certainly not also be able to afford any/all the above, if that is in fact also needed for the system to ‘work properly’.
    For those of us in villages without shops, the use of a car is not just a luxury but if we have to lose them, the planned agenda will only gain from the fact we would be forced to shop on-line and give up using cash. Could this all be part of their ‘cunning plan’? Just a thought, even a visit to a surgery and hospitals will be impossible, so if we can’t get to these facilities, it is one way of making sure the NHS won’t be overwhelmed!

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