Hooray! It’s our twelfth birthday!

A dozen years ago today, on Trafalgar Day, Wednesday 21st June 2009 the BG was launched on the website (http://www.british-gazette.co.uk). Today, on Trafalgar Day 2021, this post is on a different site with the URL suffix being .com.

“A week is a long time in politics……”; a phrase attributed to former Prime Minister, the late Lord Wilson of Rievaulx.

Well, hasn’t he been proved right! Just look at where the UK is now and how much things have changed!

Had I have posted on that day that in a dozen years that I predicted the UK would have left the EU and also the EEA and was pursuing a “green agenda” with a view of reaching a target of “zero net CO2 emissions” by 2050 and that this was being carried out not by a tripartite coalition of Greens, Lib-Dems and Labour but by a majority Conservative government led by Boris Johnson, you would have called me a fool!

This blog has long preached against the utter folly of the “green brigade’s” obsession with CO2 and the immensely damaging consequences of trying to limit CO2 emissions by abandoning a sensible policy with respect to the UK’s electricity supply.

This folly is likely to lead to power cuts in February and March 2022.

Were this not bad enough, we will still be in a midst of the coronavirus pandemic with many ill people deprived of heat and light!

At this point many readers will suggest that the time is right for a new political party or a revival of an existing one such as UKIP which happily, is sensible on the issue of “climate change” and CO2.

However, British politics does not work like that!

What will likely happen is this:

As the economy collapses and people are cold and hungry and poor, they will notice that the very rich are OK as they can afford household generators and can thus continue to heat and light their homes and enjoy all the comforts of 21st Century life!

When this happens, we predict that there will be a revolution within the Labour Party!

You see, the Labour Party is essentially a coalition itself:

There are essentially five interlinked caucuses within it:

#1: The intellectual socialists and social democrats: These are largely white middle class graduates who have professional careers and who have joined the labour Party out of a sense of noblesse oblige. The party’s present leader is a classic example of this!

#2: The traditional white working class. These are largely affiliated to the trades unions.

#3: The radical left. These are the so called “left wing activists”.

#4: The Muslim caucus. Within the UK’s Muslim community the “goto” political party is Labour.

#5: The Afro-Carribean caucus. Within the UK’s black community the “goto” political party is Labour.

During the leadership of Neil Kinnock, Labour underwent a radical shift in it’s views on the UK’s EU membership. It became vociferously Europhile as the TUC became convinced that their members would benefit from legislation imposed by the EU over the wishes of UK Tory governments!

During the leadership of Ed Milliband, Labour underwent a radical shift in it’s views on the issue of “climate change”. It became “green”.

WHEN – NOT IF – the UK experiences economic and social collapse as a result of pursuing the suicidal “net zero carbon” agenda, Labour will perform another volte-face – on the issue of climate change!

Labour will discover that CO2 is NOT the cause of climate change but the most likley cause will be the recent and rapid shift in the Earth’s magnetic field and the effect that that has had on the Van Allen radiation belts which in turn have had an effect on the atmosphere at lower levels which in turn has altered the “jet stream” which in turn has altered weather patterns!

At this point, we will see the very, very, ugly side of politics! Just how rapidly and radically politicians can change their views and how they change their view about those persons they previously agreed with and supported! In this case it will be the scientists and academics advocating that CO2 is a problem!

Remember, there is much wisdom contained in proverbs! Such as: “Success has many fathers! Failure is an orphan!”

This of course will not just happen in the UK! It will happen across the EU! However, because of the UK’s political elite has gone down the ruinous road further and faster than the EU members, the revolution will occur here first!

Remember also the Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times!”

PS: What about the recent statements from Her Majesty and the long standing concerns of HRH The Prince of Wales?

We refer you to our earlier post: https://british-gazette.com/her-majesty-is-never-wrong/

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