That “Florentine Address”: Remember this?

In today’s previous article (, I stated:
“Like many British Gazette readers, I’ll always remember Midsummer’s Day Friday, 24th June 2016. I’ll always remember the schadenfreude I felt watching Keith Vaz, the Member for Leicester East being thoroughly miserable when interviewed by David Dimbleby.”
The ONE thing that Madam Mayhem said during her sweet “Florentine Address” that MIGHT BE helpful was this:
“……… I am conscious that our departure causes another type of uncertainty for the remaining member states and their taxpayers over the EU budget.
Some of the claims made on this issue are exaggerated and unhelpful and we can only resolve this as part of the settlement of all the issues I have been talking about today.
Still I do not want our partners to fear that they will need to pay more or receive less over the remainder of the current budget plan as a result of our decision to leave. The UK will honour commitments we have made during the period of our membership.”
It is the two sentences of the lowest paragraph. Question: Does The second sentence relate to the period of the “current budget plan” mentioned in the first sentence or to the UK’s commitments to the EU as a whole?
To say Madam Mayhem’s expectations [for her “cake and eat it” deal] are unrealistic are like saying that Kim Jong-un’s predilection for nuclear weapons is unhelpful!
Sadly, it is looking increasingly likely that Mr Vaz’s comments in those wee small hours nearly one year and three months ago now appear to be worryingly prophetic!
Herewith Madame Mayhem’s Florentine Address in full. Enjoy, if that is you are “into” masochism!Herewith Michel Barnier’s response:

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