Brexit: A hole of the Tories own digging!

My “Euroscepticism” was not a Damascene conversion but a gradual realisation of what the relationship between the then EEC and UK really was. Accordingly, I joined UKIP and was there at the so-called “Conference” held at Central Hall, Westminster and listened to the address of it’s then leader, Dr. Alan Sked. For the record, I did not renew my membership. I re-joined in 2001, left in 2005 and rejoined in 2014 when I moved down to Cornwall.
Like many British Gazette readers, I’ll always remember Midsummer’s Day Friday, 24th June 2016. I’ll always remember the schadenfreude I felt watching Keith Vaz, the Member for Leicester East being thoroughly miserable when interviewed by David Dimbleby.
Since then, we have seen the UK’s politicians making the most remarkably accurate impersonations of incompetent imbeciles as some of them attempt to negotiate Brexit whilst others spectate and comment incompetently upon their efforts.
Once again, Dr. North his his blog post today
so well describes the parlous position the UK has gone and dug itself into.
He states:
[START] For the UK, this would be the worst of all possible worlds. This really is the “pay no say” scenario, whereby we are effectively still in the EU, bound by all its provisions, but without taking part in the decision-making processes. By contrast, in the EEA, we would have the two-pillar consultation structure to rely on, and we would only be obeying about 20 percent of the laws.
This notwithstanding, Barnier repeats that, even for this to happen, an agreement on orderly withdrawal is a precondition. And if we ever get past this, to discussing trade relationships, any new deal “will be less about building convergence, and more about controlling future divergence”.
Speaking directly to his audience in the Italian Parliament, he told them that the dialogue they were having – as in all national parliaments – was essential because our future partnership with the United Kingdom, and its legal text in the form of a treaty, “will have to be ratified by you, when the time comes”.
That at least positions any free trade agreement as a mixed agreement, requiring the unanimous ratification by all the Parliaments in the 27 Member States, and in the UK. [END]

Thus, it appears that Brexit might be the worst imaginable. I wonder if Mr Vaz has ever watched the 1949 Ealing comedy, “Kind Hearts and Coronets” in which Louis Mazzini says: “As in an old Italian proverb: revenge is the dish which people of taste prefer to eat cold.”
If that was not bad enough, Madame Mayhem is not going to make the speech in the grandiose setting of Santa Maria Novella but instead according to Sky News; “….in a hall that was empty, dusty and inhabited by pigeons until three days ago. It formed part of an abandoned police barracks until recently.”
The Independent reports that; “No European Commission officials will be travelling to Florence to attend Theresa May’s landmark speech on the Brexit negotiations, in what appears to be a snub to the Prime Minister.”
In other words, Madame will suffer the humiliation of having to bring her own audience with her!
But then, whilst we in the UK are focused on Madame Mayhem, there are many who believe that End of the World or the Second Coming will take place tomorrow. If it is the latter then Madame will suffer the ultimate in upstaging and the EU will no longer be a problem!

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