Sometimes it pays to listen to the state propaganda machine.

Warning: This blog-post is one of those BG blog-posts that in the minds of many cybersurfers confirms that I have taken complete leave of my senses and should be regarded as a raving lunatic.

When I access the internet my browser I get a presented with a selection of websites served up by a programme called Pocket ( that has been incorporated into it.

Today there was an offering from the British Brainwashing Commissariat:

It has been quite some time since this blog has covered COVID-19 and it is time that this disease should be the subject of another blog-post.

The reason why I present the Beeb’s article is that it most revealing. For once the title encompasses the main point of the article: How Covid-19’s symptoms have changed with each new variant.

The “Beeb” draws the reader’s attention to the facts that COVID-19 is still extant, is still infecting it’s victims and that the symptoms of the afflicted change with each successive variant. Contrary to some suggestions, this is NOT normal. Yes, a virus mutates and the symptoms in those infected become less severe but eventually it either goes away or remains in it’s much reduced form. What normal virus do NOT do is to constantly evolve into what is in effect a new disease affecting the person differently in different organs with different symptoms.

Clearly, COVID-19 is a unique virus.

Along with the Beeb, Wikipedia is another useful source of information especially when it covered topics in a way approved by the mainstream consensus. Wikipedia has of course a reputation of questionable accuracy due to it’s myriad of unpaid authors across the world. However, on certain topics such as COVID-19 ( it can be relied upon as a trusted source for the “official line”.

The reason of course why Wikipedia is so popular is that it really is a free lunch in the sense that you don’t have to pay for the service but at the same time are not bombarded by adverts. For this reason I find it a good source for information provided by those organisations peddling the officially approved consensus.

There are two passages in the Wikipedia article that I would like to draw to your attention Dear Reader:

#1: “According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change several social and environmental factors including climate change, natural ecosystem destruction and wildlife trade increased the likelihood of such zoonotic spillover. One study made with the support of the European Union found climate change increased the likelihood of the pandemic by influencing distribution of bat species.”

#2: “A study of the first 41 cases of confirmed COVID-19, published in January 2020 in ‘The Lancet’, reported the earliest date of onset of symptoms as 1 December 2019. Official publications from the WHO reported the earliest onset of symptoms as 8 December 2019. Human-to-human transmission was confirmed by the WHO and Chinese authorities by 20 January 2020. According to official Chinese sources, these were mostly linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which also sold live animals.”

The two Wikipedia passages above are in-and-of-themselves most revealing.

The first cases were reported four years ago and the virus is still extant and not only that but in a radically evolved and different form.

Now, the official consensus regarding the origin ff COVID-19 can be found in the following text contained in the Wikipedia article: “A minority of scientists and some members of the US intelligence community believe the virus may have been unintentionally leaked from a laboratory such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The US intelligence community has mixed views on the issue, but overall agrees with the scientific consensus that the virus was not developed as a biological weapon and is unlikely to have been genetically engineered. There is no evidence SARS-CoV-2 existed in any laboratory prior to the pandemic.”

NB: My reaction to this text is the point in this blog-post where my many critics and detractors will declare that I have descended into the realms of lunacy:

I would suggest that there is the possibility that the virus WAS intentionally leaked from a laboratory such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology and is unlikely to have been genetically engineered. I do however agree that it is unlikely that the virus was NOT developed as a biological weapon.

OK then, WHAT MIGHT be the reasons be for COVID-19’s existence????????????????

Well, before we speculate let us face certain FACTS. Let us ask ourselves these questions:

Why would President Xi Jinping of China, President Emmanuel Macron of France, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom and President Donald Trump of the United States of America deliberately conspire with other world leaders to deliberately create and release a virus that would cause the deaths of so many of their fellow citizens?

The Wikipedia article states: “As of 1 October 2021, Reuters reported that it had estimated the worldwide total number of deaths due to COVID-19 to have exceeded five million.”

Not only that, the COVID-19 countermeasures resulted in a worldwide economic disaster. Now, out of the five aforementioned leaders, three are democrats and no democratic politician would wish to pursue a policy of deliberately sabotaging their nation’s economy! As to the two non democratic politicians, they too would not wish to pursue a policy of deliberately sabotaging their nation’s economy!

So why would such leaders do this?

That question of course is based on the hypothesis that COVID-19 is artificial and was deliberately released into the world.

Now some people have suggested the reason to be financial. A way of making a lot of money via “big pharma”. I reject this suggestion absolutely. Notwithstanding institutionalised corruption in certain countries, the idea that any of these five leaders would do such a thing for financial gain is untenable. They would not do it.

So, IF COVID-19 is artificial and was deliberately released into the world, WHY? What possible reason could there be?

Well, whatever the reason, it would surely have to be a logical reason. The decision must appear sensible. One possible reason that could be argued as being sensible and logical is to be found in the classic science fiction work, “The War of the Worlds” by H G Wells (

The novel has been made into more than one movie and although movie producers are notorious for changing the script and altering the plot, the movies do follow the book’s cause as to the failure of the Martian attempt to take over the Earth: Diseases to which the Martians had no immunity.

Now of course, any advance extra terrestrial civilisation intending to make contact with another extra terrestrial civilisation would address this contagious and infectious diseases issue out of a sense of self preservation! Furthermore any such civilisation capable of constructing a spaceship with an Alcubierre drive would have the science of virology and genetics thoroughly mapped out.

It is therefore logical to assume that were such an extra terrestrial civilisation intending to make contact with humanity (for benevolent or malevolent reasons) would first attend to this aspect!

This MIGHT offer an explantation to reports of human beings being abducted by aliens.

Were the aliens intending to make contact such abductions would be a necessary first step. Having done the science they would then have to produce an answer to address the issue. A virus that would endow those infected with immunity/resistance to alien diseases and infections released into the general population with the intension of infecting and many humans as possible would be a logical approach.

It would also be logical for the aliens to make some form of contact remotely with the nations of Earth or some of them.

If such has happened what evidence is there for it?

Well, IF such has happened the nations contacted are keeping it a secret! To paraphrase the late Mandy Rice-Davies; “They would, wouldn’t they.”

Now we don’t know anything about hypothetical aliens the fabled “little green men” other than:

#1, they are not green

#2, they are not little

and #3, they are not men.

At this point many may draw attention to the so-called “greys” – small short spindly humanoids.

Do I think these “greys” exist?

To my mind there is a strong possibility that indeed they do!

However, the idea that such things would be actual ETs can I think be discounted completely. The late Professor Carl Sagan would have been emphatic: The very idea that such creatures so similar to humans could evolve quite separately on even an Earth type planet is implausible. What is far more plausible (and logical) is that these “greys” are in fact androids or robots.

Look at the present state of human technology in this field. In 2024 we already have humanoid robots. Yes they are crude prototypes. But an “warp capable” ETC would be able to construct far more advanced machines. Indeed, it is clear that to construct such machines and “flying saucers” to transport them would be an eminently sensible way to proceed for an “unmanned” craft with androids that require only power and life support, food and sanitary facilities insofar as abducting and experimenting on humans is concerned. Such androids could be sterilised in much the same way surgical instruments are sterilised. Or disposed of after use.

Surreptitious contact with human governments would also be a logical way to proceed. These governments would be very anxious to keep such contact secret.

Clearly, politicians being what they are would attempt to seek some form of gain. They would of course ask for “technology transfer” especially in the area of weapons! It is obvious that an alien civilisation would refuse such a request! It might be the case that the aliens might have drip feed some small morsels and titbits.

The politicians of course would want to know the aliens intentions!

It is possible that trade might be on the agendas. If so it would be the sort of trade at we in the First World might conduct with native peoples in the Amazon rainforest. Such peoples would have unique and distinct woodcarvings and such like. These good people have no technology that we in the First World would want. Of course these people would want our technology.

When European made contact with African natives and First Nation peoples in and around Hudson’s Bay they traded manufactured articles for furs.

What would aliens want from us?

Well there is our art and low tech, non tech creations.

But then there are also human beings themselves!

Now at this point, I am NOT suggesting a variation on the African slave trade where European and Arab slave traders bought captured Africans and took them to the Americas and Asia and enslaved them.

It is possible that there might be planets suitable to support human life but not suitable to support the ET life.

Who knows?

Were the aliens to offer human beings advanced bio-tecnology such as DNA resequencing and rejuvenation many people might find the idea of relocating to another planet under the guardianship of aliens attractive.

Alternatively, governments may find the idea of shipping off unwanted citizens (old age pensioners, long term sick, criminals and political prisoners) attractive.

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