Paddling to Paradise.

Above: Two contrasting visions (Utopia or Dystopia) of the UK’s future.

The recent deaths of migrants in the English Channel has of course brought forth the predictable outpourings of crocodile tears from the campaigners, politicians, politically correct which contrast sharply with the real tears shared by the families of the deceased.

In his recent blog-post (, North the Younger does not pull his punches.

The reason for this blog-post’s publication is to look at what lies ahead for the people living in the UK.

The campaigners supporting the migrants essentially wish to see what is an open door policy – unrestricted migration into the UK. Were this to come about the stream of migrants would become a torrent. Were this to be maintained for any length of time millions would arrive.

Now let us face FACTS and NOT tabloid newspaper editorial opinions!

TWO groups of people would benefit enormously from unrestricted migration into the UK!

The first group would be UK businesses! Here in South West England we have numerous landowners (arable farmers/flower growers/fruit growers) who are finding their businesses reduced to inactivity or sharply reduced operations. The reason is simple: If one cannot harvest a crop there is no point whatsoever in planting it!!!!!!!! These business people simply cannot find enough staff! This is because very very few of the local indigenous population are prepared to undertake the work! This means that the business people are mostly or wholly reliant on migrant labour. Before Brexit this was not a problem for these business people were assured of a steady flow of staff from East and South East Europe. This has essentially all but dried up!

An open door immigration policy as demanded by the “refugee charities” and campaigners would solve these staff shortages virtually overnight!

The FACTS of the matter are these: Were such an open door policy to be put in place, most of the migrants would quickly find jobs due to the FACT that new jobs – resulting in increased economic activity – would be created and with them the taxation revenue to HM Revenue & Customs would increase dramatically! As would the growth rate of the UK economy! The UK would experience an economic boom of unprecedented proportions!

The second group would be the Labour Party! This because most of these migrants would vote Labour. Labour’s problem is that it can no longer count on the working class White British vote anymore!

Short term the fury of    working class White British voters would impact negatively on Labour’s fortunes. However, long term the new migrants would along with many members of what is now termed the BAME communities, become steadfast Labour voters!

IF this happens Labour will change radically over the forthcoming years. It will be forced to respond to the views and opinions of it’s new supporters. These views and opinions are VERY different to the views and opinions of Labour’s traditional base: the    working class White British!

What we will see is the rise of sectarian politics in the UK. We will also see the rise of an unplanned and “voluntary” system of apartheid as the diverse communities live separately. We will see the rise of “No Go” areas. Young women wishing to wear revealing summer clothing will be very ill advised to walk along certain streets or go to certain public parks!

Then there is the issue of the monarch.

Her Majesty the Queen along with Her Loyal Subjects, is looking forward to the Platinum Jubilee ( All hope that long may She reign over us. She is not immortal however. Her successor HRH the Prince of Wales is on record as wishing to be “Defender of Faith” not “Defender of The Faith.” Do NOT expect a re-run of the coronation of June 1953! Expect a “swearing in” ceremony in St. Stephen’s Hall with contributions from all faith leaders and other “community readers” representing “diverse Britain”.

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