A broken vase.

British politics can now reasonably be said to resemble a broken vase (pronounced “varse” NOT “vayse”).

North the Younger yesterday (https://www.turbulenttimes.co.uk/news/front-page/offshore-processing-is-a-short-term-fix-at-best/) pronounced knowledgeably upon the subject of migration across the Channel into the UK.

This quite frankly is a problem the political system in the UK is quite unable to deal with. The same can be said the Cult of Gaia (the idea that CO2 is causing climate change).

In order to “take on” a “political” (small “p”) such as the the late Margaret Thatcher did with the Trades Union – exemplified by the 1984 Miner’s Strike – takes political will and determination to cope with the enormous levels of protest, civil disobedience and direct action the ensues.

There is also the level of political opposition from the articulate, educated and well connected elite sometimes referred to as the “chattering classes” but this description falls short as members of this group extend into the highest reaches of the establishment. Insofar as both “migration” and “climate change”, such as the Archbishop of Canterbury can be counted as a member.

The FACT is that there is simply NOT enough reserves of political capital within the reach of those who would wish to see effective action to be taken to stop the present migration of desperate people cross in the English Channel and to present and campaign successfully on the “climate change denier” platform.

What this means this that ALL of us will have to live with the consequences of these developments.

Let us firstly address the issue of the migration across the Channel:

Much is said about the migrants being a drain on the country and of these folk “sponging” off the state. There may be a few but the vast majority of migrants are educated, motivated and are seeking employment. Unlike many native Britons who make up the numbers claiming unemployment benefit, they would be very willing to pick fruit, flowers and vegetables – positions British farmers and growers find very difficult to fill now their former source of EU labour from the Balkans has dried up!

In point of FACT, far from being an economic drain, the migrants are an economic benefit!

In addition, many of the mostly male migrants are arriving in the country determined to “make their way” and establish themselves so they an bring their fiancées/wives and children with them when they are settled.

Since these migrants are generally young and many have children this means that the demographic problem the UK would face is assisted. The other thing that assists the UK is that members of the communities that the politically correct currently categorise using the acronym, BAME, are assisting this due to their much higher birth rate. In FACT, the numbers of the indigenous community categorised as “White British” are declining.

What this means is obvious: Since the demography of the UK is changing – rapidly – the divers mix of cultures, ethnicities, faiths and mores are changing at the same pace. This is because many of the divers groups are NOT integrating in the manner suggested by the phrase “melting pot”.

This has and will continue to result in diverging attitudes on issues such as abortion, animals rights, vegetarianism, and what the politically correct currently categorise using the term, “gender politics” – a phrase that includes “same sex marriage” and what are known as “GAY rights”.

The “migrant crisis” is of course been exploited by the left wing including the Labour Party. This because Labour activists and politicians know that the migrants should and when they become settled and obtain British Citizens will tend to vote Labour and not Conservative.

These demographic developments are occurring at the same time as the “climate change band-wagon” is gathering pace! This because a whole generation of children have been duly brainwashed and indoctrinated by their teachers in the Cult of Gaia.

We use this new term quite deliberatively because the whole issue has taken on the mantle of a quasi religion! It is no co-incidence that the Cult of Gaia has connections with Neo-Paganism and other “New Age” cultural and social phenomena. The archaeological site, “Stonehenge” is now a major venue for celebrations of the summer and winter solstices. Earlier generations of Christians would be horrified and the numbers attending!

Many “climate change enthusiasts” have found in the Cult of Gaia the emotional, cultural and intellectual rewards that Christianity used to give their ancestors. Most of these people are not “converts” from established religions as they were brought up by secular parents themselves products of a secular society.

The pervasiveness of the Cult of Gaia is all encompassing as many adherents/communicants of the Christian churches are paid up members of the cult! Including the personage of the Archbishop of Canterbury and also the Pope! It might even include the Chief Rabbi! It most certainly includes the President of the Methodist Conference!

There have been suggestions to criminalise what in the Cult of Gaia is called “climate change denialism.” Social media are already seeking to block it and we who are labelled “climate change deniers” are marginalised.

There is no doubt that  the Cult of Gaia is now firmly embedded in the mainstream of the politics of Europe. Here in the UK, all three main parties (Labour/Lib-Dems/Tories) along with the nationalists have embraced the Green agenda as they spotted that this was “the next big thing” and stole the Green Party’s clothes.

This embracing by the establishment and political mainstream has prompted companies such as what at the time of blogging was “Royal Dutch Shell” to adopt a policy of transition to turn itself into a “Green energy” business.

Since the Cult of Gaia is one of the most outrageous deceptions ever perpetrated one can expect that those in charge of promoting the cult as a matter of public policy and economic policy to using increasing levels of repression to ensure that we climate changer deniers are kept and put in our place and marginalised.

To paraphrase and misquote Sir Winston Churchill: “Never in the field of human politics, have so many been deceived so completely and so greatly by so few…….”

Expect things to get a very great deal worse. They are unlikely to get better!

The Cult of Gaia is I am afraid the new world religion!

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