More ravings from a complete lunatic!

NB: The above image is a fabrication aka “fake”!

Given the paucity of decent TV material on the terrestrial TV channels – one of which I pay for by the TV tax (sorry, licence) – I spend some time in the morning viewing the output from some YouTube vloggers. The picture and sound quality of many of these is excellent being in 1080 HD! One of these YouTubers is a certain Mr Jordan Wright of South Carolina who styles himself “The Angry Astronaut”.

In a recent video (, Mr Wright covers the subject of visitations by UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) now described as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) being discussed in the US Congress.

In it he very sensibly advised any person of the stupidity of attacking (or attempting to attack) any such craft. He also speculated en passant to the origin of UFOs/UAPs being possibly craft manufactured by an advanced civilisation on a planet orbiting another star some light years away (by definition ETs [extra-terrestrials]); or from an advanced civilisation located somewhere on Earth that has remained out of contact with we humans for the whole of human history; or humans from Earth or somewhere else who have travelled back in time to visit their ancestors; or “fallen angels” aka “demons” from the next world (the lower part)!

I will deal with the last possibility first: Demons and “fallen angles” and the Devil have been cited in the Bible. They did not require spacecraft then and I highly doubt that they need them now. When the Good Lord arrived on Earth two millennia or so ago to become our Saviour, He did NOT require a spacecraft either! When He returned from the dead, He did not use a spacecraft. When He comes again “in glory” a spacecraft will again not be needed! Coming again “in glory” clearly has a specific meaning, but of all possibilities I think Him arriving in anything like the fabricated image above must be put at the bottom of the list of possibilities!

For my money, I agree with Mr Wright – the ETs are the most likely answer.

At this point, we still do not know what the intentions of these ETs are towards we Earthlings.

As my previous posts demonstrate, I do believe that there has been contact between the ETs and some governments. That the UN are involved is a racing certainty!


For an answer I suggest you look at the classic movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” – the 1951 B&W original I mean. In it the surprisingly human looking alien is confined in a hospital room by the US authorities and refuse his request to address the United Nations. The very idea that the USA could establish a monopoly of communication between themselves and the ETs leaving out the rest of the world is a fantasy! The other countries would not stand for it!

This is why I increasingly believe that the whole “climate change” issue is linked in with the “ET/UFO/UAP” issue. You see, it seems bizarre that politicians in multi-party democracies would embark upon a strategy that appears to crash the economy in the medium to long term by adopting a strategy that is doomed to failure (supplying base load electricity from wind turbines and solar panels and replacing the millions of “fossil fuel” cars with battery cars) unless there was something they were keeping “up their sleeves”.

Something is clearly going on!

The question is: What?

Speculation: We MIGHT be approaching “First Contact”.

A time frame? Possibly as early as 2030. Possibly 2050 or just before or after.

The “Powers that Be” have picked 2050 for a reason and I do not believe it has anything to do with the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere! I stated MIGHT. This because there are some very good reasons why the “Powers that Be” should seek to avoid “First Contact” before all the measures to maintain control and public order have been put in place.

Despots and dictators throughout history have known that the ways to control a population are either through bribery or through fear. They also have known that “scapegoats” are required for the apportionment of blame and responsibility and that the tried and tested policy of “divide and rule” is important also.

What is causing me to consider the possibility that “First Contact” MIGHT be nearer 2030 than 2050 is the most extraordinary statement by the UN Secretary General about “Global Boiling”!

I would have thought that even the saintly Ms Greta Thunberg would have considered this a tad OTT!

This is wild (many will say lunatic [I don’t disagree]) speculation but consider this:

There is a planet orbiting another star that is Earth-like in the sense that human beings could live on it. The ETs however have evolved on a planet that is different from Earth (smaller) and whilst this Earth-like planet is inhabitable by human beings it is not habitable by the ETs. Now let us suppose that the ETs are in fact like the “Grays” (US spelling) “Greys” (UK spelling) of UFO lore and are short, spindly bipeds with large heads containing large brains. These creatures would find the living conditions on Earth very difficult because of the gravity. The planet Mars would be OK in terms of gravity but clearly unsuitable as it lacks a breathable atmosphere and a magnetosphere. Presumably these creatures inhabit a planet (orbiting another star) with lower gravity but with a (for them) breathable atmosphere and a magnetosphere.

There could be a useful trade here: Humans could be transported to this Earth-like planet to settle and work and the ETs could benefit from this in terms of what is produced.

Why don’t the ETs use robots?

Humans are very adaptable creatures and can reproduce themselves. They can also be controlled by a technically advanced civilisation by the surgical insertion of a “chip” (for want of a better term) into the human’s brain. There is a surgical procedure known as a lobotomy ( I am not a medical person but I would imagine that placing a control “chip” between the connections in the brain’s prefrontal cortex would be as good a place as any. This would be a much much cheaper option than constructing an android – which would require an infrastructure.

IF the “Powers that Be” are able to convince a large number of human beings that within a relatively short space of time the area in which they live will become uninhabitable through drought or flooding or extreme temperatures then the offer of a new life on the Earth-like planet (that could grown Earth sourced crops or have indigenous crops edible by humans) might sound an attractive proposition. NB: It would be useful to have humans who are vegan. Which might be a reason behind the promotion of veganism and a low / nil meat diet.

Now let me indulge myself in providing a little assistance towards these ETs in terms of a suitable name for this planet: How about the planet “Shangri-La”? They could name the capital or principal settlement “El Dorado”!

Of course, the ETs would not want old crocks like me! I did speculate that they could rejuvenate we old crocks. However, it is far more likely that they will want young, fit, healthy humans from poor countries in Africa, the Americas and Asia. This would especially be the case were the planet was larger than Earth – a so called “Super Earth”. Of course the size (mass) would not have to be of a size that would make life for humans unbearable or unsustainable. With a gravity of up to 1.3X Earth’s, a man weighing 11 stone (154 lbs) on Earth would weigh just over 14 stone (200 lbs) on such a planet.

However, for obvious historical and political reasons “white” people would also be needed!

À propos of the inter prefrontal cortex “chip”: MIGHT this not be described by the “Powers that Be” as an extremely attractive and useful tool by which the person so fitted could access all manner of things? Of course, no healthy sane person would volunteer for a conventional lobotomy! But a conventional lobotomy involves severing the prefrontal cortex. This would involve placing a circuit between same allowing for continued transmission. Presumably the procedure would be done under full anaesthetic. It might not require an extended stay in hospital and would more likely be akin to the use of a full aesthetic for tooth removal for a child.

Now, Mr Wright did make mention of “fallen angels”. Given what I have just described above it would be remiss of me to fail to include a Biblical reference:

Revelation 13:16-17 (King James Version):

v 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

v 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.



One thought on “More ravings from a complete lunatic!

  1. This must be the next thing the powers that be want to scare us with. It is slowly but surely being revealed that Covid and the so-called vaccinations were not as stated and haven’t frightened enough of us. Global Warming isn’t going as planned, a doomsday Greta Thunberg tweet from 2018, predicting our world would be destroyed by June 2023 has been taken down, can’t think why! We are experiencing the hottest times in a thousand years, did anyone else wonder just who was keeping records then and where this information was found? Forest fires in Canada and Greece, no one is making public just how many arrests were/have been made for arson.

    All this has a label; FEAR PORN.

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