Trespassers will NOT be prosecuted!

Above, some well meaning but mistaken people in Mr Sunak’s garden and on his roof!


BG readers in the UK well know that signs stating that trespassers will be prosecuted are legally false.

However, the antics of those lovely people at Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are enough to test the patience of a saint!

However, the above pictured protest was peaceful. But it can reasonably be described as harassment.

The way to judge this is to change things around altering the victim and the perpetrators. Like this:

Instead of the Greenpeace protestors let us have traditional “Bible Believing” [literal] Christians. Instead of Mr Sunak and his family let us have Peter Tatchell and let us suppose that Mr Tachell lived in the Richmond property and not Mr Sunak and let us suppose these Christian protestors draped not black oily sheets over the front of the house but white sheets with the words, “Marriage is a between a man and a woman.”

Now, what would have been the attitude of North Yorkshire Police?

I think we can be fairly certain: It would be different from the one they are displaying towards the Greenpeace protestors!

The reason why I think the Greenpeace protest can be described as harassment is the effect it will inevitably have on Mr Sunak’s two young daughters.

There will of course be some BG readers who will be outraged and would wish that strong action be taken against these protestors. I am of a different opinion. Why? Because:

Mr Sunak and the other mainstream politicians are partly to blame for they have participated in promulgating the nonsense that CO2 – a trace element in Earth’s atmosphere – is causing all manner of environmental problems and that humanity’s contribution is the principal aggravating factor!

The plain simple FACTS of the matter are thus: If you indoctrinate a whole generation of children from when they are in kindergarten right through to when they graduate from universities that CO2 presents an existential threat to continued life on Earth, then DO NOT be surprised that some of these young people take action along the lines they have! This because these young people sincerely believe this nonsense!

I believe that this level of reaction was expected by the authorities and in fact they may be relieved that campaigners have not resorted to more extreme non peaceful measures. This actually maybe why the authorities are nervous about reversing course. You see if those protestors who slow up traffic demanding the authorities “just stop using oil” are taking the actions they are now, can you imagine their reaction were new coal powered generating stations built and the Climate Change Act of 2010 was repealed in it’s entirety?

Some protestors MIGHT resort to violence.

I have some GOOD NEWS for the protestors and those who take a diametrically opposed view of “climate change” (aka, “the deniers”) however:

At some point between now and 2051AD they will discover the reason for the whole CO2 nonsense – not that the authorities will ever admit that the CO2 nonsense is nonsense!

This because I reckon that before New Year’s Day 2052, “First Contact” will have taken place.

Unfortunately, in autumn 2052, I will be 97 – the age my late father died. I however do not have my late father’s robust constitution and health so I doubt very much if I’ll be around at that time!

I do however expect to be still around in 2030! Given the developments related to UFOs/UAPs in the US Congress there is an outside possibility that First Contact MIGHT take place on or around 2030.

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