Living on a last chance planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I regularly get emails from a Thailand based manufacturer of spectacles. This because I have purchased spectacles from this supplier. The result is that I get a daily email from this supplier informing me that this [the said email – from which the edited image has been copied] is my last chance to avail myself of a large discount should I wish to order another pair of spectacles!

It reminds me of the now twice knighted Sir David Attenborough and I am particularly pleased that the “powers that be” have decided to invest him first class Michael & George! This because of Yes Minister (Season 2, Episode 2 “Doing the Honours”).


Now I am quite sure that Sir David Attenborough is a very pleasant and self effacing fellow not given to “Lording it over” others. Were he like that, he’d never have had the success he’s had in broadcasting.

However, so far as the “Green movement” generally is concerned this movement is essentially an elitist middle class phenomenon. Which for those politicians now referred to by the derogatory terms, “far right” and “populist”, is a VERY good thing!

You see, the many ordinary folks who either are “just about managing” or not managing at all have things to worry about other than rising sea levels and habitat loss! They are by contrast concerned by rising electricity and gas bills and loss of income! Furthermore, if the “Green movement” continues to get it’s way, these poor folk will be suffering the loss of their cars! This because battery powered cars are never going to be available on the second hand market at low affordable prices!

NB: This statement, whilst correct could by “Green movement” supporters be labelled incorrect! This because it many well be perfectly possible to pick up a battery powered car very cheaply indeed! This because it’s battery will be dead! You see, the batteries cost thousands! People will therefore be able to buy a battery car with a dead battery for very little!

Doubtless there will be a thriving criminal market in stolen batteries!

The overall effect of this policy will be to remove the freedom of individual personal transport from ordinary people! People who will have appreciated the privacy and convenience a car gave them will have to put up with public transport! Meanwhile the wealthy middle class who can afford battery powered cars will find the roads less busy and quicker as there will be far fewer traffic jams and less congestion!

This is the huge irony! That the elitist “well to do” highly educated professionals who make up Labour’s “Islington set” and the Liberal Democrat’s “Home Counties set” who condescendingly feel that they are doing what is good for the masses are NOT going to be popular!

And they think Boris is unpopular?

Just let them “wait and see” just how unpopular they will be!!!!!!!!!!!


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