And now for something completely different: CES 2019

Dragging oneself – AGAIN – away from the chaotic maelstrom of cacophonous outpourings of imbecility at the lunatic asylum that the Palace of Westminster has now become, this organ once again looks elsewhere for interesting and sensible content with which to inform it’s readers.
In an attempt – probably futile – we head up today’s article with a photograph guaranteed to infuriate misandrous rage amongst such members of “the Sisterhood” as Harridan Hatemen – of three young ladies who are showgirls in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.
Harridan Hatemen will doubtless excoriate your Editor with her vituperations lambasting us with accusations that we are aiding and abetting the oppression of women by sexual objectification and causing these victims of male hegemony to be forced into this occupation against their wishes.
This of course is complete nonsense. In fact as nonsensical that the UK can quit the EU with no deal and not suffer any economic deterioration!
But we said we would not go there!
So we won’t!
Harridan Hatemen would have you believe Dear Reader that the three young ladies above are oppressed, not least by such as your Editor!
As a former professional photographer who has worked with such ladies I can assure you that ladies such as these work hard and genuinely enjoy their work. If they did not enjoy it they would not do it and they would be no good at it in any event!
The reason why we have chosen to use the image above is to draw the reader’s attention to Las Vegas and what is going on there at the moment. Las Vegas is show city USA and many attractive young ladies end up there working as dancers and showgirls and many who find themselves out of such work will work in what is now called the hospitality industry (waitresses and hotel receptionists) in Las Vegas hoping for a break into show-business. The result is that per square mile, there are more pretty girls in Las Vegas that most other places on Earth.
As a result, Las Vegas has a large number of hotels. This being the case, hoteliers and the city fathers (yes, the term is sexist and we do not care) have, like other tourist destinations, sought to seek events to the city in order to attract visitors and thus fill hotel spaces and restaurant tables.
One such event is the Consumer Electronics Show® CES 2019.
The 2019 International CES began yesterday and will end on Friday, 11 January. It’s been taking place since 1967 and is staged by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), a trade organization that represents over 2,000 consumer tech companies in the U.S.
Of particular interest is something rather different from the Korean car maker Hyundai – a car that walks!

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