A Trojan Horse?????

Notwithstanding the fact that I write a WordPress blog, when it comes to “IT” I’m pretty useless at it! One person who has an exceptional talent in the field of “IT” in relation to graphic design is s lady called Becca who has this website – https://www.royaltynowstudios.com/ – a visit to which I highly recommend. Using historical references, Becca recreates astonishingly compelling images of famous historical characters an example of which is the mythical Helen of Troy above.

The tale of Helen of Troy is of course well known. Herewith the Wikipedia page for those wishing to refresh themselves on the details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_of_Troy

Why am I going on about Helen of Troy?

Well because of the Trojan Horse. It has become well established meme denoting deception. It has even given it’s name to a malicious piece of software!


What “Trojan Horse” am I concerned about?

Well – I tried to research online and failed so I am reliant on my own memory here. But back in the 1960s during one of the Doctor Who episodes featuring the Cybermen, the Cybermen staged their attack on Great Britain by the deception of having some of their members adopt a human-like appearance in the form of mannequins in department stores. Suddenly they became active and started killing people!


Well a Chinese company has developed a new robot called the “KEPLERBOT” which is a Tesla bot competitor:

There are those who predict that over the next few decades such robots (and their improved versions) will become ubiquitous and take over many jobs and activities currently performed by human beings.

Imagine a malevolent collection of individuals who seek to create chaos or other wise cause difficulties by putting in these robots a hidden facility whereby they can be taken over and controlled by these malicious individuals!

Now, I am sure the authorities in the UK (https://www.gchq.gov.uk/) and the USA (https://www.nsa.gov/) are aware of of any potential dangers in this area and have and are in the process of putting measures in place to protect against such.

So, hopefully we should not have anything to worry about!

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