A little help from my friends!

Those of us Britons who can recall the summer of 1967 will doubtless recall the Beatles hit, “With A Little Help From My Friends” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/With_a_Little_Help_from_My_Friends).

Having read North the Younger’s post of the 14th, (https://www.turbulenttimes.co.uk/news/latest-stories/its-time-to-take-on-the-human-rights-blob/) I cannot disagree with the points he makes.

HOWEVER: I do NOT agree with some of the commentators to the Turbulent Times blog or to any notion that Pete may harbour, that in defying and overcoming the resistance of what he has called “the human rights blob” will be anything but costly or easy.

The “Guardianistas” (my preferred term for them) are a very powerful force indeed! They inhabit academia, the professions, and the echelons of the civil service. Worryingly, they also inhabit the armed services and the police!

This country has for long been what the “Guardianistas” call a class ridden society. In stating this they are stating a historical FACT.

I will go further and state that I fully agree with my former fellow member of the SDP, Polly Tonybee with many of her views on the historical British class system. However, I have some very bad news for Dear Polly! That SHE is now a member of the oppressing ruling class!

You see, Pete is spot on when he accurately defines the new ruling class as “the activists” and the rest of us as “the majority”!

What we have now as 2021 becomes 2022 is the activist class foisting their views and agenda on the rest of us! Of course, in the past it was not really possible for a member of the working class to ascend into the ranks of the upper class. This applies still today! Members of the traditional upper class (the landed gentry and the aristocracy) socialise together. Some people from working and middle class backgrounds still in 2021 seek to aspire to membership of this set as they deem it desirable. They are granted access TO it, but never membership OF it! Access costs money. Membership requires a birthright!

Happily for the majority, access in 2021 to the present ruling class is cost free and completely open!

ANYONE (well nearly anyone) can join!

All you have to do is to join one of the activist organisations!

Here is a very good place to start: https://www.libdems.org.uk/joining-us

Here is an even better place to start: https://www.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/about-us/work-with-us/

But for the really ambitious this is the BEST place to start: https://join.labour.org.uk/

Whatever you do however, DO NOT join this organisation: https://www.ukip.org/

Tragically, I deem that the Tories have very little chance of achieving control over our de-facto open border residency status!

I am more than sorry to say that this dreadful situation will have to play out in the traditional way!

Historically a revolution (peaceful or violent) comes about when the rulers have misruled and mismanaged the nation’s affairs so completely that the system breaks down and ceases to function. This happened in 1917 (not 1918) in Russia with the October Revolution when Alexander Kerensky became Minister-President of the Russian Republic following the abdication of Tsar Nicolas II.

Sadly, the UK will have to undergo a functioning collapse of governance before the majority will replace the political establishment run by the activist class.

In theory you see, such could have been done at every General Election before now!

The ONLY things that needed to happen were these:

– Sufficient numbers of suitably qualified persons joining such as UKIP who were prepared to become a Parliamentary candidate for the party and also to pay the costs of their own deposit!

– That 45 percent or more of the voters voted UKIP!

This could still theoretically happen at the next general election!

It WILL NOT however unless the UK’s infrastructure has collapsed, riot and violent civil disorder has occurred in some cities in the UK and the economy is shot to pieces due to the lack of infrastructure including mains electricity and gas!

ONLY then, might REAL CHANGE take place!

IF such were to happen, the new UKIP government with it’s landslide majority will need friends!

IF he became Prime Minister, this man

would NOT find a friend in this man below:

But WOULD find a friend in this man:

The problem for Prime Minster Hamilton would not be totally dissimilar to that faced by Alexander Kerensky, when he was overthrown by the Bolsheviks.

This because the activists would not give up!

So I hear you ask Dear Reader: Does the BG think a collapse will happen?

The answer we give you is extraordinary: It depends upon the weather!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the cruel and ridiculous irony: Boris the Buffoon having nailed his colours to a wind turbine blade can only hope that said blade – along will all the others – keeps turning at an optimal rate to generate the electricity needed and in addition, the winter across the UK is a mild one!

IF he survives the winter of 2021-2022 his problem (and that of his successor) will NOT go away!

He and his successor will be in the invidious position of being forced to play a metaphorical game of Russian Roulette by keeping in spinning the metaphorical chambers of the metaphorical revolver and putting to his (or her) head to it and pulling the trigger!

You see at some point, he (the Unfortunate Buffoon) or his successor (the Equally Unfortunate One) will put the metaphorical revolver to their head, pull the metaphorical trigger and have a metaphorical live round go down the metaphorical barrel making them very politically dead indeed!




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