What year is this?

My friend Doctor Richard North has today (https://www.turbulenttimes.co.uk/news/front-page/politics-out-in-the-open/) published a much needed contribution to the national political debate vis-à-vis the rise of what is called by some “political Islam” in the UK. In particular his subject of the Unfortunate Sir Keir Starmer, PC, KCB, KC, Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and the Member for Holborn and St Pancras.

It is Sir Keir’s great misfortune to find himself between a rock and a hard place insofar as Labour’s numerous demographic constituencies are concerned. These being the Muslim population, the traditional Working class “white British” population, the university educated academic middle class population and the Afro-Caribbean population. You see, he cannot satisfy the demands of all of these without infuriating some of them!

Many will state that the problem is Islam. It is and it is not. I can best describe Sir Keir’s – and the UK’s – predicament by way of an analogy.

I am descended – through my mother – from a medieval aristocrat who went on the Crusades. He was a Roman Catholic and a very fervent and devout one. He was in effect a medieval Christian version of a Sunni Muslim “militant” – to use the BBC’s euphemism!

Were some highly advanced extra terrestrial in his/her/other flying saucer decide to have a little fun and “beam” – as in “Star Trek” – me aboard and go back in time – as in “Star Trek” – and beam this ancestor aboard just to see how we would get on. Let us further suppose that I had in my hand a Bible – say the New International version written in English – and my ancestor was beamed aboard wearing his breastplate and carrying his broadsword.

Upon seeing that his descendant was carrying a book that purported to be a Bible but – to him – clearly not as it was not in Latin and not the Roman version – he would conclude that I was a creature of Satan and use his broadsword to chop off my head!

Hopefully, the alien would be able to sew it back on!

You see, the problem is that many of the Muslims in the UK have a culture and mores that is more akin to my medieval ancestor than me!

This is a problem for the people in the image above!

The future looks bad!

IF the Muslim population do not “update” their culture and mores from 1624 to 2024 PDQ, England faces a third or fourth (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Civil_War [depending on how you count them]) civil war!

IF the situation does not improve and gets worse then in January 2042 we might commemorate the quadricentenary of the start of the civil war with the start of another!

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