…then we get to the real nigger [aka the “N” word – Ed.] in the wood pile which is, in two years, what will happen if there is no deal?

The above open question made by Anne Marie Morris (above) the Member for Newton Abbot resulted in the Tories withdrawing the whip from her and all manner of hyperbolic utterances made from the self absorbed Prima Donas that Parliament is stuffed full of.
One thing Ms Morris’s gaff has demonstrated is the utter and complete FAILURE of The Race Relations Act 1965 and the industry that has grown up around it.
By failure we mean the supposed aim of the Act – to reduce and eventually eliminate racial discrimination.
This act, it’s subsequent additions and the industry that has grown up around it have instead created an over-sensitive society that over-reacts to any slight slight or inadvertent remark by a “celebrity” a politician or other public figure. It has also led to ludicrous instances of police investigation citizens who put golliwogs in windows that are viewable from a public highway.
Anybody (like your Editor) or organ (like the British Gazette) who point out the asinine folly of this hysteria is of course denounced with the “R” word – racist.
Herewith the BBC news report. GOTO: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40555639
An interesting history of the phrase “nigger in the woodpile” can be found on Wikipedia. GOTO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger_in_the_woodpile
What the British Gazette WILL do is to answer Ms Morris’s question! Namely, what will happen if there is no deal! Well, Ms Morris, you trained as a lawyer so I will pay you the professional courtesy of replying like one!
It depends what you mean by “no deal”.
If by that you mean no “comprehensive free trade agreement” but a transitional arrangement to ensure that the M2, M25, M1 do not become lorry parks and ALL flights are cancelled, then we would refer you to our previous article (http://www.british-gazette.co.uk/2017/07/07/brexit-larrangement-transitoire/).
If however you mean that the UK “Brexits” without any arrangements whatsoever, the consequences will be DIRE and IMMEDIATE.
Brexit is currently scheduled to take place at Midnight on Friday 29th March 2019. BEFORE this air traffic control will ground all civil aircraft as there will be no arrangement with the European air space for civil aircraft. No aircraft will fly in and no aircraft will fly out.
Lorries will start to be stacked on the entrances to all UK ports. It is likely that faced with the prospect of going nowhere many hauliers will not send the lorries out and firms will cancel consignments.
There will be panic buying of goods in the shops. With a week the shelves of our major supermarkets will resemble those in Zimbabwe!
Shall I go on?
Now, I come from an old Liberal family. My father and grandfather were Liberal stalwarts in the South West. The first political party I joined was the Liberal Party. I therefore have no natural political sympathy for a Tory such as yourself. However, I do have a great personal sympathy for a lady who can justly regard herself as being ill-used. Therefore I will give you one set of advices:
Firstly, GOTO: http://eureferendum.com/
Secondly, buy Brexit – the first year – New e-book by Richard North at a cost of £4.
Thirdly, download, FLEXCIT. It’s free! GOTO: http://www.eureferendum.com/documents/flexcit.pdf
What you need to do Dear Lady is to inform yourself – quickly – on the factual detail of the deep hole the UK has gone and dug itself into. That you trained as a lawyer will assist greatly in this.
What you should then do is to “join forces” with Dr North and Mr Christopher Booker and advocate what they are advocating.
Now that you are an independent MP, Madame Mayhem as we call her, has done you a slight favour! For IF a “Hard Brexit” or Crash Brexit takes place, the government will collapse very quickly and there will be another general election. There will not really be any safe Tory seats. IF however you manage to place sufficient distance between yourself and your former colleagues and are a prolific advocate of Flexcit – and your constituents know this you might hold your seat.

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