The hunted one.

Above, nature red in tooth and claw.
On Tuesday 28th May 2013 the 593th draw of the Euromillions lottery took place. It has been reported that a UK ticketholder has come forward to claim the £81,381,673.30 sum, which sees the ticket-holder at number six on the National Lottery Rich List.
A Camelot spokeswoman said: “The claim has been validated and the prize is in the process of being paid out. The ticket-holder is currently deciding whether to go public or remain anonymous.”
British Gazette readers know well this organ’s advice to the winner: Go public. The alternative is to live a lie. The winner should know that to successfully keep a secret the fewer people who know, the better. This means not telling one’s nearest and dearest. It also means not spending much of the money! Of course, in order to enjoy this great wealth whilst remaining anonymous it will be necessary to tell one’s immediate family. It will mean moving. Keeping the win a secret will mean lies. Lies told not only by the winner but their spouse/partner and children. Mature consideration should cause a wise person to realise that “going public” and enduring their “15 minutes of fame” is the only sensible thing to do.
Should the winner foolishly decide to remain anonymous, they should realise that the British tabloid press will hunt them down with the same determined ruthlessness as the lioness did with the unfortunate zebra above.

4 thoughts on “The hunted one.

  1. Like the lioness in the picture above, the tabloids can operate like scavengers. In the wild it is usually hyenas that do the killing (in packs) only to be driven off by the lazy lions, who then take their fill of the carcass!

  2. Ken: The zebra obviously has been listening to that fountain of knowledge on matters defence related, Mr Hammond the Defence Minister. Doubtless Hammond will have advised the zebra to adopt dazzle camouflage used extensively in World War I and to a lesser extent in World War II. Credited to artist Norman Wilkinson, it consisted of complex patterns of geometric shapes in contrasting colours, interrupting and intersecting each other. Dazzle was supposed to work by making it difficult to estimate a target’s range, speed and heading. Trouble was it didn’t! With fatal consequences!

  3. With reference to the multimillion pound winner, it is not only the matter of the press hunting them down to reveal their identity but the public who will inundate them with begging letters and be knocking on their door for handouts (a good reason to move), that also needs to be considered.
    I went to see a very good amateur production of the Boyfriend last night and it left me thinking just how much our money has lost its value. The character of Polly Brown’s father, in the end is revealed as a millionaire, to the gasps of astonishment and admiration of those assembled. It seems that it needs to be in the many millions to elicit such a response today!

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