Today’s blog-post continues on the same subject of yesterday’s – Sunak’s Tobacco and Vapes Bill.
Whilst the virtue signalling incompetents that constitute the majority of parliamentarians focus on those currently under the age of eighteen being prevented from legally acquiring tobacco products.
There is I would suggest a world of difference between imposing legal restrictions preventing lawful acquisition by minors (those under the age of majority) and the same legal restrictions selectively applied being imposed on adults in their twenties and thirties!
If ever there was a recipe to stimulate significant law breaking of a law that would not have the respect of the public this is it!
Whilst cash will still be used there are going to me widespread breaching of the law with those unable to legally buy tobacco products giving cash to those who are to buy same on their behalf. Something specifically forbidden in the Bill/Act. Of course, adoption of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) would complicate this!