Richard the Yeoman will give battle in vain!

Those of us who are of an age that can remember when history lessons included such subjects as King Richard III, the Princes in the Tower and Henry Tudor will know well the mnemonic phrase that has been altered for use as today’s title – the mnemonic used (in England) to help remember the order of the seven colours of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

The Richard the title refers to is the man in the image and not Richard of York (King Richard III). Given Mr Tice’s background and previous career his fits well enough into a contemporary classification of “yeoman”.

Historical Note: The Electors of Knights of the Shires Act 1429 restricted voting rights to those freeholders whose land value exceeded 40 shillings. These yeomen would eventually become a social stratum of commoners below the landed gentry, but above the husbandmen.

One of the things that the state funded broadcaster is still useful for is a comprehensive publication of the results of UK elections. Herewith a link to that part of their website that displays the updated results:

At the time of publication (11:51), it is still far too soon to make any categoric statements apart from Labour appears to have gained and the Tories appeared to have lost – seats.

What appears to be the case is that Reform UK appear to have taken votes off the Tories and to a much lesser degree Labour to the overall benefit of Labour. This of course was expected!

What follows from this is of course not only to be expected but for it to be stated in today’s blog-post truly encapsulates the full meaning of the phrase: “……a statement of the bleedin’ obvious!”

That is that the votes for Reform have benefited Labour, hurt the Tories and if repeated at the upcoming general election will result in a Labour government!

You can bet your bottom dollar that the Tories will hammer this message home long and hard on their recalcitrant voters in the weeks to come!

This of course is the most morally bankrupt of all election strategies as it is based on the logic that the party that the candidate is standing for is not as bad as the party the opposing candidate is standing for!

IN the case of the Tories and Labour this very sadly is true insofar as the policy on immigration is concerned.

In all likelihood, Labour will form the next government and it will have a majority. Labour will go through the motions of having a de-jure policy that falls short on an “open borders, all are welcome” policy but an “open borders, all are welcome” policy will be in effect the de-facto policy.

Labour apparatchiks desire an “open borders, all are welcome” policy because it benefits them at the ballot box! It is a fact that the majority of “non white” “ethnic minority” voters vote Labour, with an important proviso that support for Mr George Galloway and his colleagues is strong due to the situation in the middle east.

The psephology at this time is this: The UK is moving rapidly into an era of identity politics redolent of the middle east and the Asian subcontinent.


Because of the demographic change taking place in the UK! That the population that hails from the above mentioned areas is increasing rapidly and indigenous “White British” population is decreasing rapidly and thus the politics changes in line with the psephological tradition of the demographic that is increasing in number. This because the increasing demographic is not integrating but is maintaining it’s identity and beliefs and practises (cultural, faith and political).

In other words we are seeing the replacement of the “White British” population with a population that can trace it’s antecedents from the middle east and the Asian subcontinent.

This situation is exacerbated by the demographic hailing from the middle east and the Asian subcontinent being assertive and dominant in promoting it’s faith, culture and mores and the indigenous demographic being unassertive and submissive in promoting it’s faith, culture and mores.

This catastrophic situation is made even worse by the aggressive and punitive attitude and conduct meted out to those of the “White British” population who do wish to be assertive and dominant in promoting it’s faith, culture and mores. They are labelled Fascist, Nazi, racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic and are likely the subject of police enquiries, arrest and occasionally charged and convicted and if convicted will invariably receive custodial sentences.

The mainstream media fully support this harsh treatment of these so-called Fascist, Nazi, racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic persons – generally described as “thugs”.

At this point readers may be thinking that I am about to suggest that the electorate should go out and support the persecuted persons and their parties. I don’t. For the simple reason that these parties will not even scrape enough votes to save their deposits. Readers would be ill-advised to openly support or to make any contact with such persons as they would only be lending themselves to persecution. The Americans have a saying: “You can’t fight City Hall!” Well, you can’t stop the inevitable! My advice is: “Do not fight battles you cannot win!”

Does that mean I am about to suggest that the electorate should go out and vote Reform?


Mr Tice has already demonstrated that Reform will not make a significantly stronger stand against the wokeists than the Tories as he is effectively allowing “Hope not Hate” approve his candidate list!

I am very sorry to have to state that at the next general election the electorate have two choices:

#1: Labour which will not provide any braking to the replacement of the indigenous population with the population that can trace it’s antecedents from the middle east and the Asian subcontinent.

#2: the Tories who will provide a little braking to the replacement of the indigenous population with the population that can trace it’s antecedents from the middle east and the Asian subcontinent.

Does that mean that there is no hope of the “White British” population being able to live in a land governed along their own identity and beliefs and practises (cultural, faith and political)?

The answer: Yes & No!

What is likely to happen is that the areas of the UK that will first acquire a new cultural, faith and political identity will be bolstered and reinforced by sectarian separation. We have seen this in Northern Ireland when following the start of “the Troubles” – when areas that had mixed Protestant/Catholic populations quickly became either wholly Protestant or Catholic with those slow to move being forced out – often violently. This of course happened on the sub-Continent following independence in 1947!

The country will probably be riddled with internally autonomous self governing enclaves run under Sharia Law. A peaceful accommodation will be strived for and possibly achieved.

This will come about for the most obvious reasons: Large numbers of women will not want to be legally required to wear burqa’s and niqābs when in public. Large numbers of transgender persons and homosexuals will not want to be criminalised and suffer the fate Shari law prescribes!

In other words, voting Labour – or voting Reform – will bring this situation about sooner.


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