Reports that the General Election is over MIGHT have been exaggerated.

Above, Mr and Mrs Miliband on a well earned break in Ibiza.
This organ does not have a record of agreeing with or supporting the decisions of Edward the Unfortunate. The British Gazette however thinks that Ed and Justine did absolutely the right thing by taking a break. As for the actual destination of their choice, well each to their own!
Whilst the media and the pundits are engaging with those contenders in the race to replace him, Ed’s future is not been discussed. Except here.
Let us not forget, this is the man who was responsible to enacting the Climate Change Act. It is entirely possible Ed might find himself offered some form of position with an organisation or company connected with the whole “climate change” issue. Ed might be actively looking for this. Or there again, he might not be.
It would however be prudent for UKIP to collectively bear in mind that Ed might decide to follow a similar path to his brother and that would mean he would leave the Commons forcing a by-election.
UKIP and you, Dear Reader can be fairly confident of one thing: there are two Labour Party members both hoping that this is precisely what Ed will decide to do. They are of course leadership contender Yvette Cooper and her husband Ed Balls.
Of these Ed Balls – who we think may well be in the running for to take over the soubriquet “Unfortunate” – will be particularly desirous of returning to the Commons. If only to free himself from his enforced role of house husband!
Mr Ball’s defeat at the hands of Miss Andrea Jenkyns has not only caused him to loose his position of MP for Morley and Outwood but also his position of Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Mr and Mrs Balls will doubtless consider Doncaster North a most excellent replacement for Morley and Outwood. The seat has three advantages:
1. It appears to be a safe Labour seat.
2. It has a very good rail connection to London.
3. It is still reasonably close to the marital home in Castleford as Ed lived in his wife’s constituency of Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford
The results of the General Election 2015 in Doncaster North were:
Labour: Ed Miliband – 20,708 (52.4%)
UKIP: Kim Parkinson – 8,928 (22.6%)
Conservative: Mark Peter Fletcher – 7,235 (18.4%)
Liberal Democrat: Penny Baker – 1,005 (2.5%) Lost Deposit
Green Pete Kennedy: – 757 (1.9%) Lost Deposit
English Democrats: David Stewart Allen – 448 (1.1%) Lost Deposit
TUSC: Mary Jackson – 258 (0.7%) Lost Deposit
Monster Raving Loony: Nick the Flying Brick – 162 (0.4%) Lost Deposit
Majority: 11,780 (29.8%)
Turnout: 39,501 (55.7%)
UKIP had a excellent candidate in the person of Mr Kim Parkinson.
Were there to be a by election in Doncaster North, the British Gazette would suggest that Mr Parkinson, Mr Farage and UKIP consider the option of Nigel Farage contesting such a by election were it to be called.
Whilst Kim Parkinson came an excellent second place Mr Miliband won comfortably with 52% of the vote. However the following should be noted:
1. Voters DO regard by elections differently to General Elections and many vote differently as a consequence.
2. The reason for the by election being called figures prominently in the minds of the voters. In the case of a death of an MP the late MP’s party can rest assured that the voters will attach no criticism as the by election was one that was enforced. However, in the case of an MP resigning to follow another career path voters can and do take a different attitude. Whilst there may well be some genuine understanding and sympathy for Ed Miliband wanting to move on and follow a different life path, the candidacy of Mr Balls would be seen as opportune.
Were Mr Parkinson to step aside for Mr Farage in such circumstances there would of course be many who would censure Mr Farage as an opportunist just as much as Mr Balls.
Mr Farage has a couple of excuses:
1. He is UKIP’s Leader and it is right and fitting that as such he seek entry to the Commons.
2. UKIP received 3,881,129 votes on Thursday 7th May and ended up with one MP. By comparison 1,454,436 Scots voted SNP and got 56 MPs. That is 25,972 votes per MP.
Should such a by election be called and Mr Farage (with Mr Parkinson’s agreement) decides to stand, these two facts should feature prominently in the UKIP campaign for reasons to vote for Mr Farage.
It should also be noted that there would be an additional factor: Tactical voting. Many voters who voted Lib-Dem and Green will vote Labour to keep Mr Farage out. Equally however there will be many voters who voted Lib-Dem, Green and Labour who will vote for Mr Farage in the belief (correct) that Mr Cameron will be far more disturbed and upset with Mr Farage’s arrival in the Commons than that of Mr Balls.
The British Gazette therefore is of the opinion that if the opportunity presents itself, Mr Farage should take advantage of it.

2 thoughts on “Reports that the General Election is over MIGHT have been exaggerated.

  1. Given that this would be a by election I believe he would, and should, do very well Peter. He has much to deal with at present but I do hope he has sight of this excellent article.

  2. Assuming the present unrest will not cause the party to self-destruct,, today has so far not been a good day for UKIP. It will be interesting to see how Nigel handles all this (that is bound to be thrown at him) on Question Time tonight.

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