On our own.

Above, a distribution map of COVID-19 as of Wednesday 18th March 2020.
As the COVID-19 pandemic takes an increasing hold on all our lives, the mainstream media are make references to the Second Word War.
In his blog-post Doctor Richard North draws his reader’s attention to the traditional attitude of past British governments towards the citizenry.
GOTO: http://eureferendum.com/blogview.aspx?blogno=87553
For this blog, we would make the following extremely disturbing observations:
#1: The geographic distribution. Given the nature of the transmission, it is inevitable that the rate of spread of the virus is proportional to the density of the population.
#2: The demographic distribution. This taken with #1 presents the most worrying aspect. This because the London of 2020 is most emphatically NOT the London of 1940! Anybody who has travelled to the capital at any time in the 21st Century will realise that! London celebrates it’s diversity. Travel to London and you are in one of the most cosmopolitan cities on Earth. This point is NOT made in criticism. It is an observation of an acknowledged FACT.
The problem for this nation will be that when the London hospitals are overwhelmed and are unable to cope and very sick persons are not been taken to hospital but are left to die in their homes and the London body count numbers in the thousands, the people will protest.
In my post on St. Patrick’s Day (http://www.british-gazette.co.uk/2020/03/17/dates-for-my-bank-managers-diary/), I somewhat self-centredly wrote about my personal problems vis-à-vis the possibility that Royal Dutch Shell might reduce or suspend it’s dividend and in particular, the importance (for me) of Thursday 30th April when Shell make their dividend announcement for the 1st Quarter, 2020.
In 41 days I will know what my financial position is. However, a huge amount is going to happen in those 41 days.
Of course, I am not alone in worrying about what will happen in London. I can report that one of the controversies being discussed in Cornwall and reported on the BBC regional and local broadcasting outlets is the question of people with second homes (of which there are many in Cornwall) beginning to pack up and travel from their first homes in London and travel down to Cornwall to take up residence in their second homes. Normally this is a temporary migration that takes place in the summer months. Not this year!
The locals are worried. They state that the second homers will bring the infection with them and will add to the burden the local NHS. Of course these second home owners are fully aware that the London hospitals are approaching breaking point already and they are also aware of the nature of London’s demography. Put these two factors together and combine it with the possession of a second home across the Tamar and these people have a very compelling argument!
I had a discussion with a neighbour who was firmly of the opinion that these second home owners should be prevented from taking up occupancy of their Cornish properties. I pointed out that these folk actually owned the property they were moving to. I myself cannot and will not criticise such people for it would be hypocritical. You see, IF my life had turned out differently and my flat in West Cornwall was my second or holiday home and my old residence, 22 Kingswood Gardens Leeds LS8 2BT was my first home and main residence, I would already have made the journey down the A6120, A61, M621, M1, A42, M42, M5, A30!

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