Oh mighty power of truth! Why Cameron does not want Scotland to break away.

Above, HMS Vangaurd one of the RN’s SSBNs underway. To those contemplating the purely sectional interests of the Tory Party, the prospect of Scotland becoming independent would appear an attractive proposition. Of the 59 Scottish seats, the 2010 General Election produced only one for the Tories, Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale. This is held by The Right Honourable David Mundell PC, MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland.
Scottish independence would be a huge political blow for the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats.
So you may consider that David Cameron is not thinking of his party’s interest but the country’s. Well that depends upon what one’s view is of the country retaining a so called independent nuclear deterrent.
A report complied by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – whose bias and agenda are clear – have come up with a well argued and logical report, here: www.cnduk.org/campaigns/anti-war/item/download/165 This shows that given the present political and economic realities, the remnant state based upon England, Wales and Northern Ireland would most probably be compelled to unilaterally disarm as the country would be would be faced with huge political and economic costs to re-establish the bases outside Scotland.
Of course, the thing that may well come to Cameron (and Mr Ed Miliband’s) rescue will be the prospect of Scottish independence itself. As the old saying goes, “Turkeys (especially Scottish ones) do not generally vote for an early Christmas!”
As can be seen from the Guardian article here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/mar/17/scottish-independence-islands-home-rule
the Western Isles together with Orkney and Shetland are reconsidering their position in the light of Scotland becoming independent. You see there is for the unfortunate Alex Salmond the little local difficulty of Scottish oil and gas. You see, if these islands break away and become independent the huge revenues will be theirs and not Scotlands! Then of course there are the huge number of public sector jobs that keeps the Scottish economy afloat! It is extremely doubtful that an English government would continue this largess.
So you see, the most unfortunate man in the UK is poor Mr Salmond for he is in the invidious position, he is doomed if he wins and is doomed if he looses.

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