It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!

As British Gazette readers will recall, “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” was produced and directed by Stanley Kramer and starred Spencer Tracy with an all-star supporting cast. It was about the madcap pursuit of $350,000 in stolen cash by a diverse and colourful group of strangers. The film premiered on 7th November, 1963.
The reason for the use of this image is due to the fact that the Editor feels that the film’s title more than adequately describes the bizarre situation that now confronts the country. British Gazette readers may well have been surprised by the BBC’s inclusion of the item about fracking on last night’s news. The fact is however that the BBC could not have possibly avoided running this story pretty close to the top story – much as they would have preferred to bury it!
Herewith is the news item from the Global Policy Foundation’s website (see link at the bottom of the article).
The British Geological Survey (BGS) report estimates that there could be 1,300 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of shale gas trapped in the Bowland shale basin alone. In fact, the BGS‘s upper estimate is almost twice that figure, 2281 tcf. This would make it by far the biggest shale basin in the world. 10% of Bowland Shale would equal 130 trillion cubic feet — or about 50 years of total UK consumption. There are many other shale areas in Britain. And then there are Britain‘s offshore shale reserves: “There will be a lot more offshore shale gas and oil resources than onshore….” Nigel Smith, subsurface geologist and geophysicist at the British Geological Survey (BGS) said continuing; “UK offshore reserves could be five to 10 times as high as onshore….”
British Gazette comment: This news is quite simply stunning! There should be dancing in the streets! But then of course there is not. For this is NOT a normal country. In a normal country the government of the day would be ecstatic. Mr Ed Davy the Energy and Climate Change Secretary should be deliriously happy. But they are not and he is not! But then this is NOT a normal government and Mr Davy is NOT a normal Secretary of State. Normal governments DO NOT willingly hand the governance and the law making powers of their country over to a Foreign Power. Normal Secretaries of State do not subordinate their allegiance to their Sovereign Lady, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second to an allegiance to a Foreign Power – in direct contravention to the solemn oath they took!
It is a well known FACT that Mr Putin is most unhappy with the news that the UK and much of Europe are now able to produce their own gas and not have to buy Russian gas. Doubtless some in this government of dishonest dissembling cronies will seek to oblige him!

One thought on “It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!

  1. I make that 8,800 cubick miles!
    Or perhaps the ‘London Bus’ customary measure should be used
    As a furtherer of pedantry should that not be 1.3qcf? i.e Quintillion cubick feet. We’d better learn that prefix soon as the budget deficit will need use of the term anon.

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