It does not matter!

Above, Henry Grace à Dieu (“Henry, Thanks be to God”), also known as Great Harry, was an English carrack or “great ship” of the King’s Fleet in the 16th century, and in her day the largest warship in the world. Contemporary with Mary Rose, Henry Grace à Dieu was even larger, and served as Henry VIII’s flagship. Built by William Bond (master shipwright) under the direction of Robert Brygandine. (Source:

NB: The relevance of the above will become apparent much later in this blog-post!

One of the regrettable aspects of the human condition is that many of us like to hear, listen to and watch “content” that is agreeable to us. This is obvious and natural and also there is the fact that we all do it! I mean we watch the TV programmes we like. We read the books we like and go to the theatre to watch plays we like. We eat the foods we like, many of us eating foods that are not good for us in large quantities!

Therefore when it comes to politics and current affairs we apply the same “filters”!

A certain Dr Alex McLaughlin a researcher at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk CSER (an interdisciplinary research centre within the University of Cambridge dedicated to the study and mitigation of human extinction-level risks that may emerge from technological advances and human activity []) has recently posted a YouTube video which he entitled “This Will Be My Most Disliked Video On YouTube”!

Dr McLaughlin clear had those of us he might refer to as “climate change deniers” in mind!

Here is the video:

British Gazette comment: Those members of Extinction Rebellion who live in a neighbouring village to me and who will endorse the above video as gospel will assert that Dr McLaughlin in his video demolishes the claims of we “climate change deniers” completely! Doubtless they will go on to assert that my other claims about what they have derisively referred to as my “……lunatic obsession with the existence of little green men in flying saucers……” are equally misplaced and wrong!

My response is this: Even IF it is the case that I and my fellow “climate change deniers” are completely wrong it does NOT invalidate my in their words “……lunatic obsession with the existence of little green men in flying saucers……” but if anything affirms it!


Because of the FACTS!

Let us for the sake of argument assume that those members of Extinction Rebellion who live in a neighbouring village to me and Dr McLaughlin are absolutely right and I and my fellow “climate change deniers” are completely wrong, it is, taking into account political realities (real politic), already TOO LATE to avoid the deleterious consequences that they suggest we face!


Because of the reasons many politicians who are not actually “climate change deniers” give!

People like Nigel Farage assert (correctly) that the UK’s contributions of “greenhouse gases” will make no significant contribution whatsoever for the large emitters such as China and India make the UK’s reductions insignificant. Furthermore, China and India are not going to “decarbonise” in the way the UK has!

What this means is this: Unless “humanity” receives “outside help and intervention” Nigel Farage’s solution is the only practical and sensible path to follow. This is mitigation. That is to say, put in place the infrastructure and adaptations to cope with “climate change”! This is why such as Mr Farage despair at the lunatic policy of “decarbonising the UK” for impoverishing the UK is precisely the wrong action to take!

You see, as a “climate change denier” my contention is that the whole “Glow Bull Warning Deception” combined with the “Great COVID-19 and Vaccine Deception” are precursors to what in Sci-Fi terminology is and which has been incorporated into academic terminology as “First Contact”.

Thus the consequences of me and my fellow “climate change deniers” being wrong and Dr McLaughlin being right are insignificant insofar as future events are concerned!

The respective consequences being that whether it is the “Glow Bull Warning Deception” OR the “Climate Emergency” as declared by St. Just Town Council; the “Powers That Be” will herald “First Contact” as the solution to “humanity’s” woes!

I’d now like to address another piece of nonsense!

Some errant individuals believe and/or claim that the USA (and possibly other countries) have managed to “reverse engineer” crashed Flying Saucers/UFOs/UAPs and have managed to set some to work (in whole or in part). They have even gone as far as suggesting that the Nazis went some way to achieving this during WW2 (!

To call this nonsense absolute baloney is to understate the matter enormously!

What MIGHT be the case is that the ETs have provided information to assist humans to make technological developments at a much faster pace than they would otherwise have done and that a number of technological developments owe their existence to this assistance. But that is way different from having Northrop-Grumman and Raytheon build a flying saucer!

This is because Northrop-Grumman and Raytheon are no more capable of building a flying saucer than the long dead William Bond and Robert Brygandine and their fellow shipwrights, blacksmiths and carpenters were capable of building the Royal Navy’s aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, let alone the advanced F-35C aircraft she embarks!

So, what MIGHT happen after “First Contact”?

Well there are two things that are particularity needed:

An economical way of generating large scale “base load” electricity without producing CO2. Fusion power is the obvious solution. Possibly something like this:

The existence of something along the lines of what Mr Eric Lerner and his team are trying to develop will solve the problem for IF Mr Eric Lerner and his team succeed in producing cheap and reliable fusion generated electricity expensive and impractical “zero carbon” devices such as ground source heat pumps will be completely obsolete and redundant!

This because cheap and reliable fusion generated electricity will allow poor people to keep warm inexpensively by purchasing such as this:

At a cost of £12 this 2kW electric heater is easily affordable to those on low incomes. What is NOT presently affordable to those on low incomes is the electricity presently supplied by ridiculous wind turbines and paid for by pre-payment meters!

Cheap and reliable fusion generated electricity will allow First World countries such as the UK, the EU (soon to become a federal state) and the USA to re-establish manufacturing industries. It will also allow ALL CO2 emitting electrical generating sources to be closed down!

IF they are needed, cheap and reliable fusion generated electricity will allow for the mass installation across the world of the so-called “artificial trees” that are said to be up to 1,000x more effective at “sequestrating” CO2 from the atmosphere than conventional trees!

The other important development needed is a much higher capacity battery than the ones now found in battery cars. A battery the same physical size of those now found in battery cars but with ten times the range. In other words instead of 300 to 400 miles, 3,000 to 4,000 miles. This would make battery cars practical as the problem (apart from their weight) with these vehicles is the lack of recharging infrastructure and practicality of that recharging infrastructure.

Any person who has sat in a motor car at a petrol/diesel station at a busy time will know the frustration: Long waits to fill up! This is exacerbated by the almost universal practice that these refuelling points have also been developed as retail shops. This means that many of those filling up with petrol/diesel take the opportunity to do a bit of shopping thus prolonging their stay! If this state of affairs occurs with the extended wait times for recharging large numbers of battery cars the result will be chaos and civil commotion!

A battery that has to be recharged every 3,000 or 4,000 miles can be done in the manner of an oil and spark plug change in the 1950s when cars required such service intervals. It would be the case of leaving the car 24 or 48 hours presumably with a courtesy car supplied or a temporary resort to public transport.

Furthermore, if sodium could be used in place of lithium, mass production would be a lot easier (and cheaper)!

And now to address the issue of the ETs/aliens: Why would the ETs/aliens want to help us? What would the ETs/aliens want from us?

These are questions that are very difficult to answer as we have no idea what these ETs/aliens look like, what their environmental needs are, what type of society they have, what values they have.

All we can do is to make assumptions based on ourselves. On this basis there are many possibilities. Personally, I do not buy into the idea that the ETs/aliens would seek to settle here on Earth. Nor do I think they would be looking for raw materials in the same way as the European colonial empires did in earlier times. This because the raw materials found on Earth will be found much closer to the ETs/aliens home! What will NOT be found near the ETs/aliens home will be Earth’s living things (animal, plant and human)!

Animals and plants might be on the ETs/aliens list for placing on other Earth like planets.

Humans might be on the ETs/aliens list for placing on other Earth like planets. IF this is the case the ETs/aliens might require “adaptions” to be made to these humans. Possibly along the lines of a neural implant!

A “neural link” is a small piece of electronic technology that is surgically inserted into a human brain supposedly to enable the said human to access the internet and other remote devices by thinking about them! A certain Mr Musk is pressing ahead with the development of such a device!

There is a surgical procedure – rarely used nowadays – called a lobotomy (from Greek λοβός (lobos) ‘lobe’, and τομή (tomē) ‘cut, slice’). It is a form of neurosurgical treatment for psychiatric disorder or neurological disorder (e.g. epilepsy, depression) that involves severing connections in the brain’s prefrontal cortex. The surgery causes most of the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex, the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain, to be severed.

Were a lobotomy to be performed on a person as part of the process of installing a so-called “neural link” where the device was placed in the prefrontal cortex and where the severed connections would be rejoined by connecting the severed ends to each side of the device, it would presumably offer the potential of controlling or heavily influencing the individual so fitted.

One cannot but help recalling the text of Revelation C13, v16:

– And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

King James Version.

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