“If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well. It were done quickly:”

These famous words spoken by Shakespeare’s Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 7 form the title of today’s BG blog-post in reflection from today’s blog-post from Doctor North.

GOTO: https://www.turbulenttimes.co.uk/news/front-page/energy-the-insanity-of-the-guardian/

As a shareholder in Royal Dutch Shell, some readers will expect (some gleefully) at the news. However I have news for the: Far from it! In fact, I’m actually rather releived!


Because had Shell gone ahead they would have had an endless processions of Extinction Rebellion idiots dressed in the silly brightly coloured gowns parading en-mass outside their various offices!

Sadly, on reflection, they probably still will.

However, Shell will have earned a certain number of “brownie points” with the political establishment in this country!

Shell have historically paid a generous dividend. Which is why I bought    their shares! This is something they wish to maintain. In order to do so Shell will in future make it’s money out of what is ludicrously called “green energy provision”. This means vast fields of offshore wind turbines and vast fields of onshore “solar farms”!

What oil and gas reserves Shell does develop will be a long way from the UK and under the sovereign authority of states that have a more common sense attitude regarding their economies!

Insofar as the UK is concerned, this present government is set on a course of economic disaster. This because the so-called “green economy” won’t deliver the goods! Instead the long suffering and very hard pressed British Public will be subjected to economic hardship on a scale that will be unprecedented.

At the moment, Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition – aka the Labour Party – are even more keen on pursuing this suicidal course than the government!


When the catastrophe comes whilst Labour is in opposition, Labour will perform the most astonishing volte-face in this history of politics! It will be the quickest change of spots performed by the largest leap of leopards in the history of the planet!

Never in the field of human politics will so many Damascene conversions have taken place so quickly!

With the zeal of the newly converted the Labour Party will turn like angry wolves on their one time allies the “green brigade” accusing them of all sorts of things!

Apart from the Labour Party There is one other significant party involved: HRH the Prince of Wales!

HRH has long been an advocate of issues surrounding “anthropogenic climate change”. However in 2030 he will no longer be the Heir but the Sovereign. It will be very important to find scapegoats for him!

A Public Enquiry/Royal Commission will be instituted to enquire into the whole sad episode of “anthropogenic climate change” – the idea will be to find convenient scapegoats!

NB #1: IF the establishment’s pursuit of “Net Zero” due to the cult of “anthropogenic climate change” DOES NOT result in an economic disaster, it will be due to dramatic and sudden changes in technology – technology of an advanced nature revolutionising Life on Earth.

NB #2: There is no indication on Earth that such technology is being developed.

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