Head to head!

In demanding six head to head debates with the Unfortunate Starmer, the Unfortunate Sunak confirms his position as underdog in this election campaign.

Naturally enough, “Me Too Davey” the leader of the Lib-Dems is insisting that he is included!

The Unfortunate Starmer has agreed to two debates (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2jjvpxxgr5o), one hosted by the BBC and the other, ITV.

The Unfortunate Sunak will likely be forced to cede to this arrangement.

The one point each man will be able to make in the debate is that on Friday 5th July 2024 one of them will be summoned to HM the King and will be asked to form a new government.

Here are the FACTS:

The Members of the House of Commons are elected by the First Past the Post electoral system. This is the same system used in the USA where it is called the “Two Party System” – because it is unable to deal fairly with more than two candidates.

Of course, “Me Too Davey” is one of the most effective and prominent advocates for the alternative: Proportional Representation.

I like to call the First Past the Post/Two Party electoral system, Disproportional Representation!

However, the FACT is that no matter how long and loudly “Me Too Davey” and others (including Nigel Farage) complain about it, the election on Thursday 4th July 2024 will take place using the First Past the Post/Two Party electoral system!

This reality is something every adult registered to vote in the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland should accept, no matter how much it annoys and frustrates them!

Accepting this reality means that every adult registered to vote in the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland has a decision to make: Do they wish to select one of these men to occupy #10 Downing Street on Friday 5th July 2024 or not?

If so, they can do it in FOUR ways:

#1: They can vote for either the Conservative party’s candidate or they can vote for either the Labour party’s candidate.

#2: They can vote for a candidate representing another party. In this they abdicating their decision and allowing it to be decided by others.

#3: They can spoil their ballot paper. In this they abdicating their decision and allowing it to be decided by others.

#4: They can decide not to vote. In this they abdicating their decision and allowing it to be decided by others.

FACT: This is a terrible way to decide on a legislature’s membership and inter-alia, a government!

It means that a large number of people end up voting for what they believe is the least worst option!

FACT: There is nothing you can do to change this reality!

You therefore have those FOUR choices and ONLY those four choices!

Get used to it!


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