From each according to the number of bedrooms, to each according to the number of occupiers!

Above, Karl Marx.

The disturbing case of Mr and Mrs Saunders receipt of North Northamptonshire Council’s letter ( suggesting that their property should be used to house so-called “asylum seekers” (illegal economic migrants) in their unoccupied property demonstrates the speed [lack of!!!] of His Majesty’s Land Registry and the efficiency [lack of!!!] of the council and also that of His Majesty’s Home Office! This because their property was not unoccupied – it was their home.

What this incident does however do is to point towards a possible future policy direction of a Labour government in 2025.

Labour would come to power facing the same problems that Labour governments have always faced: A long wish list and a short [of income] balance sheet!

Labour will also face a housing crisis and possibly a much increased requirement to house so-called “asylum seekers” (legal and illegal economic migrants) – as Labour will set the bounds for immigration, to quote “Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set” which was NOT what A. C. Benson had in mind when (in 1902) he penned the lyrics to Sir Edward Elgar Bart.’s magnificent “Land of [forlorn] Hope and [faded] Glory!”

Issuing compulsory purchase orders to the likes of Mr and Mrs Saunders with the intention of evicting them from their home to house migrants would be most unpopular – not only with Mr and Mrs Saunders, but with the wider electorate!

HOWEVER: Labour activists are aware of one particular aspect of the UK housing – that there are many houses that are under-occupied residential property. An under-occupied residential property (UORP) is a property where there are more bedrooms than occupants.

Consider the following hypothetical scenario. There is a Mrs Elizabeth Mortimer, a widow living in the above spacious 5 bedroom property. Her late husband was a successful businessman and decades ago they purchased the house when he was climbing the promotion ladder and she had three young children. Those three children grew up, went to university and themselves began successful careers. Each of the three married and Mrs Mortimer is a proud grandmother of six youngsters. From time to time her grown up children and her grandchildren come to stay and as such the house fills up again. The house happens to be in an upwardly mobile area that tends to elect a Conservative councillor with a substantial majority.

To a Labour activist, Mrs Mortimer is a target! Labour might reform council tax in such a way as the level of council tax not only reflects the market value of the property but the level of occupancy – properties deemed to be under-occupied will be subject to a SurTax!

To a Labour activist, it would make good “social justice” policy to compulsorily purchase Mrs Mortimer’s home encouraging her to relocate to a smaller (one bedroom) property so as to allow the local council to house up to twenty so-called “asylum seekers” (legal and illegal economic migrants). This can easily be done with two pairs of bunk beds in each room.

Labour also wish to enfranchise all those migrants who have been granted the right to remain in the UK – with the clarion call, “Register to Vote! No UK citizenship needed!”

Since all of the twenty young men who will have replaced Mrs Mortimer will be Labour voters, the local Labour party in the safe Tory ward will be delighted for they are looking forward to replacing each Tory voter with up to twenty new Labour voters! At that rate, a safe Tory ward can quickly be turned into a safe Labour ward!

It is this way Labour activists will consider they can make Tory governments a thing of the past! What they have to do is to continue to import vast numbers of so-called “asylum seekers” (legal and illegal economic migrants)!

Labour activists are enthusiasts for Karl Marx:,_to_each_according_to_his_needs

As long as it is NOT applied to them and only to such as Mrs Elizabeth Mortimer!

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