Explaining stupidity.

Post by-election autopsies are par for the course with all the mainstream political parties. For once, all the three main parties appear to have reached similar conclusions: The Tory win was due to the ULEZ. The Lib-Dem win was due to tactical voting in a Tory seat and that the Lib-Dems are not Labour. The Labour win reflects Labour’s dominance in the opinion polls.

Faced with the unpopularity of ULEZ questions are being asked about the commitment to “Net Zero” by 2050. The leaderships of the three parties have already shown that they are NOT going to ditch this masochistic strategy.

There are sound political reasons for not doing so. Huge numbers of young people soon to become voters (especially if Labour reduces the voting age to 16) are absolutely convinced about CO2 being a threat to the human population on Earth. People like me are called “climate change deniers”.

There are three dates that feature prominently: 2030, 2035 and 2050. 2030 and 2035 relate to the banning of ICE vehicles. 2050 is the date by when the world must reach “Net Zero”.

Of course, the internet is the “go to” source if you want to listen to YouTube videos claiming such things as the Moon is an artificial satellite constructed by an advanced alien civilisation (I have referred to this suggestion in a past post). Then there are claims that the authorities have observed artificial structures and activity on the Moon’s surface; the suggestion being that the Moon is being used as a base by aliens. Then there are claims (supported by images) of large dark objects appearing to draw plasma from the sun. Those drawing their viewers attention to this suggest this is how the alien spacecraft refuel.

The conventional response to this is that these claims are all nonsense and that it says far more about those making the claims than anything else.

I am not therefore going to go down the very deep and long rabbit hole of trying to examine the validity of these claims individually. Instead I am going to adopt a global critique as a superficial analysis. I’ll adopt therefore the approach of observing the wind!

Down in the far west of Cornwall we get more than our fair share of strong wind! Now we all know how we observe the wind! By it’s effects! We cannot see the air that we breathe. Yes, we can see the moisture in it as mist (and fog), but the air itself is invisible. When I walk along the South West Coast Path on a windy day I see the effects when I look at the sea. I feel them too!

I have a statement to make that will cause the vast majority of mainstream opinion to regard me as a raving lunatic: That evidence of supposed alien (advanced extra-terrestrial civilisation) contact (with the authorities) and influence MIGHT lie in the seemingly perverse policies being adopted by the political mainstream. These policies do not just cover the area of “climate change” but other areas as well. The whole hoo-ha that is called “gender issues” with biological males and females self identifying as the opposite sex and the “cancelling” of any person who questions this is another. Then there is the persecution of Christians. Persecution of Muslims is off the agenda for obvious reasons!

It just shows how far down the road the mainstream have travelled when the persecution of Christians is carried out by members of the C of E!

GOTO: https://mailchi.mp/christianconcern/xxx-604996

OK then, I hear you ask: What has a very woke member of the C of E to do with “little green men”!

THIS: Take a typical well educated intelligent person who can be described as a modern Westerner with woke attitudes and who is not a religious person. Ask these people how they would react to news that an alien spaceship was approaching Earth and that there was going to be an official and formal “First Contact”; they would probably say they were excited and yet quite OK about it. That they could “handle it”.

The plain simple FACT however is that there are many human beings on Earth that are not like this person, are very religious and conservative in their views and could NOT handle it! Then there are the many people who declare themselves to be the “believers” (in UFOs and aliens). You see these people on occasion in Roswell, New Mexico. They are the ones dressing up as “little green men”! These people would look to these aliens as virtual Gods!

Basically, the effects on human civilisation and society would be shattering. And this is of course based upon the assumption that the aliens would be benevolent and peaceful!

Now the authorities are clearly aware of this!

When presented with a challenge, the authorities attempt and do make a plan to deal with that challenge. These plans take the form of mitigating the negative consequences, amplifying the positive consequences and above all, maintaining control of their respective populations!

What I am suggesting is this: What we are seeing is precisely the sort of governmental behaviour that would take place in the run up to “First Contact”.

The whole nonsense about CO2 being a danger and the need to abandon “fossil fuels” might be a lead in to advanced alien derived technology or otherwise a provided solution; the “spin” being that humanity is in a fix about “climate change” and the aliens have kindly offered to “help us out”!

You see, people will need to be “in a fix” – facing the loss of their freedom of personal travel and restrictions on what they can eat and where they can go – to make the offer from the aliens seem an attractive one.

Of course, this begs the hypothetical question: What would the aliens want from this?

Maybe the answer would be us! I mean actual human beings!

Let us remember, something vaguely similar has happened before. Centuries ago kingdoms in West Africa had a problem. Their enemies. The Europeans provided these kingdoms with a solution! The kingdoms would receive advanced technology (firearms) with which they (the kingdoms – not the Europeans) could attack and round up their enemies. The kingdoms then handed their enemies over to the Europeans in exchange for manufactured goods and the Europeans subsequently transported the captives in atrocious conditions and cruelly forced them to work as slaves in the Americas!

Now, I am NOT for one moment suggesting that the authorities who govern us would round us up and hand us over to the aliens who would transport us to other planets and cruelly force us to work as slaves!

There would be no need to use a “stick”! A “carrot” could be offered to those persons who would volunteer to go to live and work “off world”!

Consider this: There are doctors who make a very good living from rich people who desire to look younger and more attractive. This is called “cosmetic surgery”. Suppose that the aliens were able to offer rejuvenation and DNA resequencing? In other words, not only could they rejuvenate you physiologically to let us say 23 years of age, they could also alter your physiology and physiognomy to give you the body you’ve always wanted and the beautiful/handsome face you’ve always wanted? Eradication of all disabilities and illnesses coming as standard (and probably mandatory as well)!

OK then, I hear you ask: Why would aliens want human beings?

Possibly because they could find a use for them/us!

You see, the environmentalists are at great pains to point out that humans are a problem because they produce “greenhouse gases”! That a great reduction in the number of humans (on Earth) would help the environment and the fight against “climate change”!

Looked at from the governmental viewpoint there is one demographic they would want to target: The elderly!

People are like cars: The older they get the more problems they have! Buy a new car and you are OK for the first few years. Things then begin to wear out and need replacing! As it is with your car, so it is with your body!

The big problem for the NHS is that we old people use it’s services! When we oldies were young many of us never saw the inside of a doctor’s surgery or a hospital! I did! But as one who took old people to these places!

The NHS’s financial problems could be solved if the bulk of the retired population could be removed! Permanently! Those old people insistent on remaining on Earth would probably have to pay for their own health care and care home costs! Which means the rich get to stay (on Earth) and the poor have to leave (Earth)!

Our politicians would point out that the aliens will be able to fix all our illnesses and medical conditions, restore our youthful bodies and optionally enhance us in the ways we desire!

What’s not to like? They would say!

This is all wild (and many would say lunatic) speculation!

But then this is my blog and I am not employed.

I do however have a bank account!

Oh Dear!!!!!!!!!!

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