Common Sense Spoken in Nevada, reported in India – but not the UK!

At 7PM (local time) on Saturday 8th October at the Legacy Sports Park (Minden, Douglas County, Nevada) – a sports complex next to the Minden-Tahoe Airport (making it easy for the former president to land his plane and head straight to the rally) – spoke some much needed common sense to the assembled people.

It was not picked up by the UK’s mainstream media or course but it was in India by (amongst others) the Hindustan Times, the newspaper founded by Ghandi back in 1924.


President Trump is of course right.

I repeat my suggestion made in a recent post made on the day of President Trump’s speech in Minden: That the Secretary General of the United Nations, His Excellency António Guterres GCC, GCL should hold emergency talks between the two presidents (Putin & Zelenskyy) and lay before BOTH the following (secret) terms that will be Non Negotiable:

#1: That ALL hostilities cease immediately.

#2: That Ukrainian forces withdraw from the territory claimed by Russia.

#3: That Ukraine recognises Russia’s annexations.

#4: That there will be NO investigations or prosecutions for human rights violations in Ukraine and Russia’s annexed territory.

#5: Redacted.

#6: That Russia and Ukraine agree NOT to pursue any claims for injury or death from each other arising from the conflict.

#7: That Russia and Ukraine agree the expatriation of those persons living in their respective territories to each other’s territories without Let or Hindrance.

#8: Redacted.

#9: Redacted.

#10: That Russia and Ukraine agree to accept the results of a UN held referendum (which will be monitored by neutral officials drawn from India with security provided by the Indian Army) in Ukraine on the question of NATO membership and separately, membership of the European Union.

This is a Seven Point Plan that BOTH sides will vociferously object to!

Acceptance by Putin which will enable Russia to avoid paying reparations (and not destable the World Financial System by weakening the US$) and allowing Russia to retain it’s status as a Permanent Member with VETO on the Security Council, will allow Putin to remain in power. Acceptance by Zelensky will allow him to begin to rebuild his country and to lead it in the direction he so clearly wants: EU and NATO membership.

NB: The idea being put around by some in Ukraine and elsewhere that Putin will not stop with Ukraine but will want to extend Russia’s borders to what they were in 1914 is quite frankly nonsense.


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