Common Sense Spoken Here!

Herewith, Mark Mills ( sheds reality upon the “Net Zero” fantasy!

Yesterday in his blog-post (, Doctor Richard North hammered home the FACTS that the “green agenda” is in-and-of-itself”, unsustainable!

My advice (assuming she becomes PM) to Mrs O’Leary:

Love, you have not got what it takes to do the job of Prime Minister effectively.

What you can do however is to use the limited time you will have in office to put in train a series of events that might help.

So, this is what you do:

Stand up at the dispatch box and make a statement along the following lines:

“Mr Speaker, I’ve taken office at a very serious time. Our nation is facing a series of great challenges. As MP’s we all of us are receiving much correspondence from our constituents who are very seriously concerned about the level of energy costs. Many simply do not know how they are going to pay. This government will of course help as much as it can. We will target the help to those who most need it. However, all of us are under no illusions about the vast cost this will represent. As a short term measure, this approach is practical. Expensive, but do-able. However in the medium and long term it is simply unaffordable and unsustainable. This compels us to come up with a solution.

We have.

It is to recognise that we in the Conservative Party have made a series of monumental mistakes. Mistakes that have also been made and supported by the party opposite! And the Liberal Democrats. And the Scottish and Welsh nationalists!

The monumental mistake has been to follow what many call the Green Agenda. As a result I announce today that this party, the Conservative Party intends to change course. By 180 degrees!

Instead of pursuing Net Zero, we propose to abandon it! And all other measures aimed at limited the so called Greenhouse gases. Of course, this will require the repeal of the Climate Change Act, brought in by the last Labour government!

Mr Speaker, one thing is absolutely clear. We on this side of the house have absolutely no mandate whatsoever to pursue this change of direction! Legally, we could try and use our majority to legislate but it would be constitutionally improper and undemocratic, as nobody voted for the changes. Given that I myself have become Prime Minister with only a small number of votes, in terms of the British People as a whole, I am in no position to pursue this. But pursue it we must!

Therefore Mr Speaker, there is only one choice. A general election!”

Now: This will put you and your party in a win-win position – whether you win or loose to Labour!

You see, if you win a majority, you will then have a mandate to abandon a policy that is going to ruin the country! If however you loose and Labour wins a majority or a coalition with the Lib-Dems and a supply and confidence deal with the SNP, you’ve still won as pursuing Net Zero is economic and political suicide!

So there you have it lass!

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