Changing Times.

Back in the 1970s when I was what in earlier decades (to the 1970s) was called a “commercial traveller” and at that time “sales representative” a boss of mine at the time gave me some advice:
“When visiting a café, order sausage, egg and chips. You see, any chef, even the dimmest can do a decent sausage, egg and chips.”
I followed the man’s advice. I happen to like sausage, egg and chips.
The man was right. You see, even I can do a decent sausage, egg and chips ~ when I have a chip pan. Of course, other foodstuffs can be added to the threesome to make a foursome or even more. A particular favourite of mine is black pudding. Sausage, egg, chips and black pudding (when you can get it from a decent butcher) is a most splendid meal. Baked beans in tomato sauce are a popular addition. When I’ve added these, I’ve added a little curry powder.
This skill cooking sausage, egg, chips, black pudding and slightly curried baked beans in tomato sauce stood me in good stead. Practice they say makes perfect and by 1986 my competence level at producing sausage, egg, chips, black pudding and slightly curried baked beans in tomato sauce was (and in 2020 remains) high.
In 1986 I was no longer working as a sales representative. I was a professional photographer.
The 1980s was still in that era that had not yet been taken over by the 3Ms (militant Marxist misandrists) – not all of whom are female – and thus the ladies of The Sun’s “Page 3” still graced their pulchritudinous charms across the newsprint. It was in this “hideously heterosexual” environment that I worked.
Now the one of the many things the 3Ms seem not to understand (probably because they are not at all interested) is that the young ladies working in this environment are doing it voluntarily and are not coerced.
So, what has all this to do with pineapples?
Well, at the end of one location (photo)shoot, before delivering three young ladies to their homes in my car, I cooked us all sausage, egg, chips – and if they wanted, black pudding and slightly curried baked beans in tomato sauce.
To the suggestion of black pudding one girl said, “I don’t like that. Do you have pineapple?”
“There’s a tin in the pantry.” I replied.
“Yes please.” came the reply.
Thus instead of black pudding, we all had sausage, egg, chips – and lightly fried tinned pineapple!
Now, had this culinary suggestion been made in 1786 and not 1986, it would have been regarded as unrivalled extravagance. You see, pineapples at that time were incredibly expensive. So expensive in fact that the super rich English aristocracy – the only people who could afford them – deemed them far too valuable to actually eat and thus they were kept uneaten and paraded ostentatiously for show until they became rotten with maggots and had to be destroyed!
Herewith two online links for pineapple purchasers:

One thought on “Changing Times.

  1. Not forgetting of course, that the rich also embellished their grand houses with ornamental pineapples thus indicating they knew it was something only the wealthy few could aspire to!

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