Cats + Pigeons: Brenda's bombshell!

Above, The Right Honourable The Baroness Hale of Richmond , DBE, PC, QC giving judgement.
Today, Brenda Hale delivered the verdict of the Supreme Court.
Herewith the judgement:

Herewith the summary:
One thing that goes without saying is that the old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times….” applies to the Buffoon and his administration!
Phew! What happens now?
Well, one possibility is that the Buffoon will return from his junket to the “Big Apple” on the “other side of the pond” to suggest from the dispatch box in the Commons that a General Election be called. Since the law requires 25 days excluding weekends and public holidays to take place BEFORE the election day, this would mean that Thursday, 31st October 2019 – “Brexit Day” would be the day!
It is a sure fire thing that IF the Buffoon went down that route – conceivably by instructing his OWN MPs to vote for a general election – we could be again be in the completely surreal position of the government not getting the vote due to lack of support for same from the opposition benches.
Were Comrade Corbyn to table a Motion of No Confidence, it would likely succeed and would result in the MPs arguing amongst themselves as to who should take over the government. Comrade Corbyn would wish for a Labour government. That is unlikely to come about.
This of course has already been suggested in a previous post.
We could however be looking at a completely surreal, “down the rabbit hole”, “Alice in Wonderland” scenario of the Commons refusing to go for a General Election and with the Buffoon attending the EU Council Meeting on the 17th and 18th October with the Supreme Court requiring the Buffoon to write the infamous letter to the EU asking for an A50 extension!
The EU may impose terms such as a requirement to ratify the Withdrawal Agreement subject to a binding confirmatory ballot!
NB: To meet Parliamentary requirements the inclusion of the confirmatory ballot would be necessary to cause the Withdrawal Agreement to be different to the bills previously submitted.
In such a scenario the choice presented to the British People would be clear:
Remain in the EU!
Leave the EU but become a dependent territory of the EU for an indefinite period!

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