Bullshit, Bollocks & Codswallop (aka, BBC): The Evidence.

Above, a shale gas drilling site in Lancashire.
There will be many members of the General Public who will be startled and would dispute this organ’s claim that the BBC is acting in a manner far removed from an impartial reporter of news and is in fact acting in a highly partial manner to push its own green-multi-culturalist-Europhile agenda.
This organ has no problems with criticism and challenges. After all with a less than impartial broadcaster the answer to any challenge as to its impartiality is to say, “bring forth the evidence.” In other words the proof of the pudding is always in the eating.
Of course there are many ways in which the news may be presented in a less than impartial way. A classic of course is not to report, or to report but instead of making the story a headline story on the front page (in the case of a newspaper), to relegate it to a small article buried in the middle of the paper.
The BBC however is not a newspaper. It does however operate in exactly the same way. For the BBC its “front page” are the TV newscasts at 6:00PM and 10:00PM, weekdays. The inside pages are its website. Go onto the BBC website and you will indeed uncover most news stories. This of course is the crux of the issue. The plain simple fact of the matter is this (and the BBC knows it) that the vast majority of the General Public receive their news from the prime time newscasts. The General Public do not in most cases go ferreting around the news websites seeing what other news stories are going around.
To demonstrate the BBC’s bias how about this:
Suppose, Dear Reader you are the news editor and you receive from one of your journalists news that a major discovery of gas has been found in Lancashire, near Blackpool. The possible potential amount of gas produced per day would exceed the UK’s present maximum consumption levels of gas in winter. In other words, the find could – Cuadrilla Resources, the company making the discovery has yet to confirm the recoverability of the reserves – supply the whole of the UK’s gas energy needs for possibly the next 50 years.
Now surely, this is a Good News story!
If this in the BBC’s estimation is not a Good News story, what heaven forefend is?
The reason why in the environmentalist befuddled thinking of the BBC this is not a Good News story is that the gas is shale gas.
Now then Dear Reader, doubtless you have heard the Greenies horror stories of water coming out of taps on fire and so forth, all as a result of fracking for shale gas. These stories are of course nonsense. Such incidents – of marsh gas igniting is because it is naturally occurring marsh gas and has nothing to do with shale gas.
The Good News continues: the Lancashire shale gas field is unlikely to be the only such field under British soil. It is likely that this country is blessed with huge resources of this new reliable energy source. That means that this country can be self sufficient in reliable energy for the foreseeable future.
What the BBC has done in this story is to report the facts but to give equal weight to a small band of green zealots who seem to think that instead of exploiting a 50 year resource of reliable energy under the surface of Lancashire, vast amounts of money should instead be spent on wind turbines – whose life span is considerably less than 50 years and are unreliable And many times more expensive. Their reason: because these people believe that human emissions of CO2 are damaging the environment. Which of course is utter bullshit.
Herewith the hypertext link to the BBC story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-14990573

One thought on “Bullshit, Bollocks & Codswallop (aka, BBC): The Evidence.

  1. The BBC did the same when broaching underground coal gasification, we had the usual bull about chemicals leaking into the water tables etc.
    I have yet to witness the BBC or Government comment on the recent disclosure of the FED’s lending the Royal Bank of Scotland, $154bn interest free, during late 2008, the time our Government was giving it £32bn of our taxes? The Fed’s lent European Banks $17 trillion, which is more than the US national debt, secretly.
    No, Cameron’s claiming £64bn losses are catasrophic, why don’t they borrow it from Fred the Shred?

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