Bullshit, Bollocks & Codswallop (aka, BBC): and you are paying for it.

The British Gazette has in the past applied the moniker, Brussels Brainwashing Commissariat to the BBC. We now think the moniker Bullshit, Bollocks & Codswallop is even more suited to describe this propaganda machine that is increasingly loosing touch with reality.
Whilst the propagandising zealots prattle on about ships being able to use the North West Passage and the passage around Siberia at the height of the Arctic summer – something that has been possible since the development of iron hulled steamships – it studiously avoids reporting to its licence payers any new story that may shed light on reality.
For instance: Sweden has refused to lease its most powerful ice-breaker to help the United States in supplying its McMurdo base in Antarctica.
Why? Is it because the Swedes are unhappy with the policies of the USA?
Not at all. It is because they need it themselves. All the Baltic nations, Estonia, Finland, Russia and Sweden need all the ice-breakers they can get, to avoid a repetition of the crisis created last spring by the massive return, for two successive winters, of ice to the Gulf of Finland and the Sea of Okhotsk.
The reason why the Americans are in such a stew is that they poor dears believed the bullshit put out by the Greens that global warming meant that they could dispense with their icebreakers. So they did. Now the ice is returning – with a vengeance – and they are stuck – quite literally in the ice!

One thought on “Bullshit, Bollocks & Codswallop (aka, BBC): and you are paying for it.

  1. Beautiful! Perhaps, Chris Huhne, if he can read, will take note.
    Fat Al, has likened us to, holocaust deniers and racists for refusing to remain silent over the UN’s global warming swindle. Personally, I would refer to him as a swindler, a snake-oil salesman for whom, tar and feathering, would hardly be punishment enough.
    As for the BBC, why am I paying compulsory tax, (licence) to the EU’s propaganda corporation?

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