Brexit: Die große Lüge – Zwei.

In our article of the 5th July ( we lamented on the dishonesty of the British political elite and the dangers of the “transitional arrangement.”
As time goes on however the apparent sheer lack preparedness of the government is becoming increasingly alarming.
Let us remember one thing – those who inhabit the “Westminster Bubble” are a self serving bunch of cronies.
As a supposedly “business friendly” party with business supporters one would have thought the Tories would know Winston Churchill’s, “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” Most who have attended a management or sales training course should be able to testify to hearing this – if not with Churchill listed as the source, that favourite of US originated training courses, Benjamin Franklin or self-help management guru Alan Lakein.
Those who know what is going on, which of course includes Doctor Richard North are becoming increasingly alarmed, as might M. Barnier unless of course he is privy to what might be going on in Westminster.
As the British Gazette has from time to time suggested, the whole Brexit issue might be a giant charade.
Let us face FACTS.
We know that most of the MPs were/are Remainers.
We know that most of the MPs were expecting the Remain side to win.
It may very well be the case that the government is indeed planning to fail – to achieve Brexit that is – but in such a way as they will NOT be held accountable for the failure!
This may be the reason for their ridiculous strategy. One that cannot work.
The “best case” scenario is that they are putting it forward because they DO NOT INTEND it to work! Their intention may very well be to allow themselves to be manoeuvred into giving a second referendum. Namely a referendum on the exit deal.
This might be a combination of the necessary transitional arrangement and a promise to negotiate a “wonderful comprehensive free trade arrangement!”
Of course, a second referendum would be pointless without the ability to abort Brexit by revoking Article 50. This would require the consent of the EU!
This will be forthcoming.
Expect a second referendum to be held on Thursday 7th, or 14th or 21st March 2019.

Of course, in one sense the Tories will have failed utterly. The Chameleon offered the EU referendum in an attempt to fix the divisions in his party. Just as Wilson had done decades before. Both attempts FAILED!
The failure of Brexit will have only made the divisions in the Tory party worse.

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