Brexit: Believing in miracles.

Being at the time of writing, still a paid up UKIP member, yesterday I received an email entitled “Leader’s Update 12th November 2018”. It was an open letter from Mr Batten. For the benefit on the majority of British Gazette readers who are not or no longer members of UKIP, we publish the text below:
Dear Fellow UKIP Member,
Brexit Latest
We now eagerly await Mrs May’s long overdue EU Withdrawal Agreement. It may be revealed this week. It has yet to run the gauntlet in Parliament, and will have to be voted on in the European Parliament.
What we have witnessed for the past two years is an elaborate charade which has been deliberately orchestrated in order to arrive at a certain outcome. [Bold attribute – Ed.]
That outcome is a Withdrawal Agreement whereby we may leave the EU in name but not in reality.
What I fear is that the agreement will include: continuing to pay the EU tribute money, obeying their laws, being under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, having open borders to EU citizens, and being included in the EU military and foreign policy ambitions.
I sincerely hope I will be proved wrong but I doubt it. If this happens it will be an unparalleled betrayal of the British people by their leaders.
UKIP has been the only political party opposed to the EU and we must and will continue with our historic mission.
I will write again when we have sight of the final agreement.
Yours sincerely,
Gerard Batten MEP
UKIP Leader
British Gazette comment: Gerard Batten is wholly correct in making the statement we have emboldened. His fears could very well be realised. It is an arrangement this organ has suggested could happen in the past and one which we have applied the description, Purgatory. On this we think Mr Batten will agree with us.
Once again, the excellent Dr. North describes the ongoing situation with characteristic accuracy.
As for the above post, it is now this organ’s opinion that we’re being played. But we seriously doubt the negotiators are playing video games and the final press release is already printed with just the date to add. But then these second and third sentences of the post are jests.
There is of course precious little to jest about in this sorry débâcle.
Our advice to Mr Batten is this: Prepare your party to fight a second referendum.
Our speculation on the result?
UKIP (assuming that they will campaign for Brexit) will loose.
But in a curious way, in loosing UKIP will have won.
This is because political acts are judged historically and history is written by the second. This is something that anybody with internet access (and sends emails) will have discovered. You see, a political act is very much like and email – or if you are Donald Trump, a tweet – that once you have clicked “Send”, that email is on it’s way and cannot be recalled.
You see, the consequences of a no deal Brexit would be so severe economically that the word catastrophic would not be an overstatement. The consequences for any politician, political activist, and party campaigning for a “hard Brexit” would be severe.
However, were as a result of a second referendum – where the choice is between a no deal Brexit and continued EU membership on the same terms as before the referendum – would be to remain in the EU, the consequences for UKIP would be transformed utterly.
This is because history would judge harshly the Tories and Madame Mayhem in particular for a botched Brexit.
UKIP will be able to glory in it’s own fantasy world proclaiming from the rooftops and the floors of the EU parliaments in Brussels and Strasbourg, that the wonderful Shangri-La of a UK outside the EU trading on the fabled WTO terms and paying no Tribute into the EU’s coffers awaits should the UK electorate turn out in sufficient numbers to elect a majority UKIP government at Westminster.
Which of course is the greatest fantasy of all!

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