Bill Urry, Labour Councillor for Roundhay, Leeds: A man of prayer.

The results for the Thursday May 3rd Elections for Roundhay Ward are as follows:
CHRISTIE Malcolm Scott: 288 votes (Alliance for Green Socialism)
ELLIS Paul Charles: 486 votes (Green Party [The])
HURLEY Michael Brendan: 487 votes (Liberal Democrats)
PARASKOS Andy: 1965 votes (Conservative Party [The])
URRY Bill: 3556 ELECTED (Labour Party [The])
British Gazette readers may be interested to learn that Councillor Urry is of the deluded belief that the minute additions we humans contribute to the quantity of CO2 on the planet threatens to jeopardise “the Environment.”
The new councillor has been so moved by his fears (which of course are completely groundless!) to compose a prayer which has been published in the magazines of St. Edmund’s parish church, Roundhay, St. Andrews URC and Lidgett Park Methodist church.
Readers can find the prayer at the following link:
Readers will we are sure be even more interested to learn that Councillor Urry has installed a solar powered cash machine (photovoltaic panels) on the roof of his house. He is thus benefitting greatly from the tax free inflation proof profits that are guaranteed for twenty five years – as are the panels themselves.
Of course, British Gazette readers know full well that these high guaranteed, tax free, inflation proofed returns are paid for by those persons – who unlike Councillor Urry, cannot afford the several thousand pound investment for these panels – in the form of their ever increasing electricity bills that are artificially inflated to pay for the great carbon con.
In “Roundhay Labour News Manifesto edition 2012”, Councillor Urry – then as candidate Urry – in the section “Labour’s green plans for Leeds” lambasts the Torys stating
“they have wrecked the roll out of solar panels by chaotically slashing the funding”
Let us be perfectly clear: the recently reduced levels paid to those only now having these solar powered cash machines installed upon their roofs are still guaranteed inflation proof tax free returns for 25 years with a current rate of return higher than any legal fixed interest security available. This generous largesse funded by poor people struggling to pay ever increasing electricity bills – who cannot afford to have a solar powered cash machine installed – is clearly regarded by Councillor Urry as not being generous enough and he would it seems prefer it were the government to revert the payments back to the even higher rates of return – that would have made even Al Capone blush – of the previous rip off scheme.
We will of course give Councillor Urry the benefit of the doubt and will assume that the councillor did not realise who has been paying for the guaranteed, tax free, inflation proofed high returns that his solar powered cash machine is providing. It is highly likely that the salesman who visited Mr Urry before the installation was a little more restrained than one salesman who candidly advised his customer; “…… Mr [name withheld] you can’t go wrong with this! Government backed, tax free, index linked. It’s a steal!” How true.
If not, and Councillor Urry is aware of who is paying for his “green electricity” he will doubtless be seeking the advice of his leader (on Earth) – that well known authority on all things – Mr Ed Miliband!
The British Gazette however will defer to an authority even higher than Mr Miliband! Viz:
“But do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.” Jesus Christ (about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees) as quoted in Matthew, Chapter 23 Verse 3.
The British Gazette suggests that Councillor Urry settles the issue by donating the high returns he gains from his solar powered cash machine to the poor and needy in Roundhay ward.

4 thoughts on “Bill Urry, Labour Councillor for Roundhay, Leeds: A man of prayer.

  1. “Give us wisdom to understand how our actions sustain or destroy our environment for our children and grandchildren.”
    If he truly was blessed with wisdom and in communication with his God then he would know that the actions to which he refers simply do not destroy our environment!
    God save us from these deluded people.

  2. What is so sickening, is that without the subsidies there would be NO large scale solar panel installations nor wind farms. I have yet to see the total carbon footprint of the manufature, transportation and installation of just one wind turbine in comparision to its proven non-existant output of so-called green energy. Does anyone know the answer to this? The whole sordid scandal will go down in history as a scam worse than any ponzi scheme yet recorded.

  3. Dear Mr Urry,
    On the north side of North Leeds Cricket Club is what is marked on the large maps, as a bridleway. Unfortunately the house to the north appears to have grabbed, largely by uncut hedges, about 3 to4 feet and the crcket ground’s fencing has moved somewhat over the years. As it is I cannot walk forwards down what should be wide enough for a horse. Can you help?
    Best Wishes,
    Gavin Kane

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