Averting Armageddon!

Dear Mr President,

In nineteen days time you will celebrate your 80th birthday. You’ll become an octogenarian.

The three girls (above) are pupils at Southland Girls’ High School, 328 Tweed Street, Invercargill 9812, New Zealand. Invercargill is about as far away as you an get from Ukraine.

Should President Putin be reckless enough to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, whether or not Armageddon comes about will depend entirely on YOUR response. OK then , I admit that France and the UK both have nuclear weapons but the world, his wife and his dog know that the decision as regards the response will be that of the USA!

The question YOU have to ask yourself and answer is this: Am I prepared to set in train a pattern of events that will lead to the deaths of these three teenage girls. Remember you have lived a decade beyond the biblical “three score years and ten”. I am three years away from my “three score years and ten”. Both of us have lived most of our lives. These three girls have yet to live most of theirs. They graduations, their marriages, their children and grandchildren are way in the future. Do NOT take their future away from them. And do NOT respond with the glib, “Putin initiated this!”

I am NOT suggesting that the NATO response be otherwise than severe. There are other options:

Should the “beyond reckless” happen there will be across the world in most sovereign states (North Korea and Belarus accepting) a realisation that Putin will have cross a Rubicon entirely of his own making.

You MUST use this. To quote Shakespeare: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”

I suggest this: Ask the Secretary General of the United Nations, His Excellency António Guterres GCC, GCL to hold emergency talks between the two presidents (Putin & Zelenskyy) and lay before BOTH the following (secret) terms that will be Non Negotiable:

#1: That ALL hostilities cease immediately.

#2: That Ukrainian forces withdraw from the territory claimed by Russia.

#3: That Ukraine recognises Russia’s annexations.

#4: That there will be NO investigations or prosecutions for human rights violations in Ukraine and Russia’s annexed territory.

#5: That Russia will pay reparations for the physical damage (but NOT the consequential losses arising therefrom) inflicted in Ukrainian territory via an undated gilt denominated in Roubles.

#6: That Russia and Ukraine agree NOT to pursue any claims for injury or death from each other arising from the conflict.

#7: That Russia and Ukraine agree the expatriation of those persons living in their respective territories to each other’s territories without Let or Hindrance.

#8: That the World Bank will recognise that Russia’s exports (including “fossil fuels”) will henceforth be transacted in the Rouble and NOT the US Dollar and that other nations accept this and not object.

#9: That Russia gives up it’s status as a Permanent Member with VETO on the Security Council and agrees that the Security Council will offer this seat (and VETO) to India.

#10: That Russia and Ukraine agree to accept the results of a UN held referendum (which will be monitored by neutral officials drawn from India with security provided by the Indian Army) in Ukraine on the question of NATO membership and separately, membership of the European Union.

This is a Ten Point Plan that BOTH sides will vociferously object to!

I think you will have a good chance of getting this accepted however with the help of two people:

– President Xi Jinping General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and President of the People’s Republic of China and:

– Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission.

I think President Xi will make it very, very clear to the Unfortunate Mr Putin that it will be in his own best interests to swallow this unpleasant hook line and sinker bodily for he will not wish to face the consequences of NOT doing so!! I am sure that President Xi will make it very, very plain to the Unfortunate Mr Putin that this Ten Point Plan is as GOOD as it will ever get and refusal on his (Putin’s) part will only make his predicament far, far worse!

I am Sir, a Subject of His Most Excellent Majesty, King Charles The Third of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland and His other Realms and Territories (including New Zealand).

Peter H. Rogers.


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