Andrea Leadsom: Quits the leadership race. Theresa May is the new Prime Minister.

A sensible and measured announcement from Leadsom ends the uncertainty and clears the way for Theresa May to become Prime Minister.
Mrs Leadsom’s statement: “The interests of our country are best served by the immediate appointment of a strong and well-supported Prime Minister,” she said in a letter to 1922 Committee chairman Graham Brady. “I am therefore withdrawing from the leadership election and I wish Theresa May the very greatest success. I assure her of my full support”.
Mr Brady is to consult with the party’s executive board before formally confirming Mrs Theresa May as the new leader.

2 thoughts on “Andrea Leadsom: Quits the leadership race. Theresa May is the new Prime Minister.

  1. Odd isn’t it? Cameron (despite saying the contrary during the referendum campaign) says he must resign as he could not lead a nation down a road the electorate wanted despite him…
    Odd that Corbyn really at the end as he played so lacklustre campaign he must go; May who was equally quiet or quieter and was on the wrong side can get it by coronation ….. She even not want it herself she said….
    No planning for Brexit; compared to civil servants meeting the opposition so a smooth transfer.
    Chaos of Cameron; never thinks things through and only had the referendum as his back benchers wanted it and UKIP led to it.
    Gentleman? Incompetent and not a leader; a follower.

  2. It will be interesting to see how Teresa May forms her cabinet.
    Since it was announced she will be P M from tomorrow evening (Wed) , she stood in front of TV cameras and solemnly announced Brexit means Brexit and no early General Election.
    On last night’s news, Liam Fox MP was strongly tipped as Brexit Negotiator. One wonders how the media can make such a confident prediction as he would certainly be well up my list of choices.
    Once we see who is in the cabinet, UKIP will have a great deal to say if there are no Brexiteers around the table. I suspect there may be altho’ if not, watch out for the fireworks..
    Interesting times ! We watch and wait for the next couple of days. Then be ready to pounce !
    Stuart Guppy

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