Anders Behring Breivik: Nothing must be done.

Top left, Freemasons’ Hall, headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England. Bottom left, the English Defence League logo. Right, Anders Behring Breivik.
The British Gazette delayed its report on the terrible events in Norway until a clear picture emerged and importantly, for this is a UK orientated organ, the reactions of British politicians.
The title of this article is meant to be attention grabbing. Of course the Norwegian authorities must and surely will attend to an urgent review of their security procedures and will doubtless do what is required expeditiously. The British Gazette would expect nothing less.
The article’s title is however directed at British politicians.
The fact of the matter is this. Our politicians will likely use this terrible act of mass murder as yet another excuse to examine how they can further extend their control over the people of this formerly sovereign land. Of course, they have already done much. The UK’s gun laws are already the tightest in the free world. We already have more CCTV surveillance than North Korea.
In particular, they will pay attention to the evidence that Anders Behring Breivik appears to have commented upon the activities of the English Defence League and suggested that a Norwegian version be set up.
The British Gazette notes that the English Defence League has disassociated itself from Anders Behring Breivik and condemns the outrage. This is unlikely to prevent the Home Office from trying to see what restrictive measures they can get away with so far as the EDL (and of course the BNP) is concerned.
Of course, another foregone conclusion is that the Home Office will take no action whatsoever against the one organisation that Anders Behring Breivik did appear to have a direct link with. The Freemasons.
At this point the British Gazette categorically states and unreservedly accepts that the Freemasons do not support and have no links with any terrorist organisation and would disassociate themselves completely from Anders Behring Breivik were it to transpire that Anders Behring Breivik was in fact a Freemason.
One likely reform, which incidentally the British Gazette would not be critical of, is the setting up of what has been termed “a British FBI” with the counter terrorism and royal protection roles taken from the Metropolitan Police and given to a new body.

One thought on “Anders Behring Breivik: Nothing must be done.

  1. This attack was designed to inflame public opinion against ‘Christianity.
    I would advise people to read the 10 planks of communism, and guess what, we have them all up and running here.

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