Accident? What accident?

We are indebted to our allies at Windfarm Action for this report that occurred recently on our patch, so to speak, outside Huddersfield in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Their report is reprinted below. The original report is available on their website to be found on the British Gazette’s links page.
We have campaigned hard about the dangers of wind turbines, especially when built within the curtilage of school premises. If proof was needed, this certainly demonstrates the dangers inherent in all mechanical devices. The high winds of a few days ago, when gusts of 80mph were recorded, certainly proved too much for this on farm turbine. Luckily no one was close at the time and the turbine was located well away from buildings or roads. It is truly remarkable that the turbine seems to have managed to land exactly in a gateway. Divine providence? Of no surprise was that the suppliers, Alternative Energy Contracting Ltd, were unavailable to comment when the Huddersfield Examiner called!
British Gazette comment: Readers will we are sure laugh out loud as this wind turbine was erected on a hill known as Scapegoat Hill! Behind this comical fact however lies an altogether more serious and insidious truth. This turbine was blown down earlier this month. The Editor is a regular listener to the BBC’s “Look North” regional news programme after the BBC TV’s Six O’Clock news programme. Were the BBC a reputable and impartial news organisation – as its charter set out – such a notable event should have been the lead story or close to the lead. If not, then surely it should have deserved at least a mention? Especially as it only took an 80 mph wind to fell the useless article!
Remember, we are referring to a local news programme.
Although 80 mph is 10 mph faster than the national speed limit, understand this: gusts of wind up to 80 mph are by no means unusual. Indeed on the hills over Huddersfield such gusts are quite common in the autumn and winter months.
The refusal to report upon such an event clearly demonstrates how completely the BBC has become a mere instrument of propaganda for the climate change scam and the EU. The British Gazette has reported before on the BBC’s bias and we will continue to report it for we believe that it is the most powerful weapon in the armour of the climate change fraudsters and the traitors who seek to maintain the existence of unlawful government in this formerly sovereign country.
The danger posed by the Brussels Brainwashing Commissariat will be at its most acute over the months and year that follows. Following Cameron’s exit from the discussions to construct an ever closer union, this country’s politicians will finally be handed a challenge they will find difficult to obfuscate. Be under now doubts: Messrs. Merkel and Sarkozy are determined that financial transactions concluded in the City of London will be taxed by the EU. At this point the bullshit has to stop.
It is at this point the Brussels Brainwashing Commissariat will represent the severest threat to the freedom of the British People since Luftwaffe Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring sent his bombers against London in 1940. Patriots should be in no doubt that the Quislings and traitors employed by the BBC will spare no effort to seek to frustrate the efforts of those who would seek to campaign to restore lawful government in this country. In this, the British People are in a similar position to peoples in other countries struggling for freedom and democracy against an all powerful broadcaster controlled by the regime they are seeking to overthrow. Sadly, this is another classic hallmark of a totalitarian state.
This is why the British Gazette was resurrected as an online news source; to Speak the Truth unto the Nation.
And the saddest thing of all? All those brave young men in two world wars who selflessly gave up their tomorrows for our todays.
NB: The British Gazette does not and has not asserted that all the BBC’s staff are Quislings and traitors – merely some of those controlling the agenda.

One thought on “Accident? What accident?

  1. Apart from being relieved that no one, nor their property suffered from this ‘event’ it, along with the one that caught fire due to excessive speed, warmed the cockles of my heart!
    What is needed is a campaign by the sort of people who targeted the Gatso speed cameras.

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