Leeds: October 2015.

The above footage was videoed today in Harehills, Leeds 8. In 1950 my mother got her first teaching job just up the road from here. The area was a little different then! Our family home – where I grew up and went to school was a couple of miles away from here in Roundhay.
I do not live there now.
The nearest mosque from my old house was a ten minute drive away. The nearest mosque from my present abode is a drive of over two hours.
The Past is a Foreign Country. They do things differently there.

One thought on “Leeds: October 2015.

  1. Good to see so many women taking part: Nothing like living in an equal society!
    Unfortunately for the white British subjects who have for generations established the ‘Christian’ way of life, ‘other people than them, have unequal protection under the law’.

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