Another sleepless night? This time it might be deliberate!

Sometimes a small act by a man can have dramatic consequences. The image above needs no explanation.

On election nights I generally adopt one of two strategies. I either stay up and hit the sack at around 1AM or I go to bed early and when I wake up in the “wee small hours” (which I generally do) get out of bed and in my jim-jams go and switch on the telly and watch the BBC coverage.

On Thursday 4th July 2024 I might just stay up all or most of the night.

The reason for the change?

Blog-posts like this ( penned by my friend Dr. North today.

The mainstream media and the cognoscenti have reached a broad consensus that Labour are going to form the next government and the only talking points are the size of the Labour majority and the number of Tory MPs in the Commons when Parliament is recalled.

Or have they?

Have they for instance reached the same conclusions as Dr. North and have decided to sit on this and double down on maintaining a fiction of a classic two party fight betwixt the Tories and Labour?

After all, the mainstream media and the cognoscenti want the present consensus to continue. The two men they do not want to see sitting on the green benches are Messrs Farage and Galloway! Lest we forget, that although both men have very different politics BOTH are sceptical about “Net Zero” and CO2!

FACT: There is a lot going on which is not been discussed and made public. This includes discussion about the timing of the election and the reasons why the Unfortunate Sunak went for Thursday 4th July when the electoral logic suggested an autumn or later election.

One thought on “Another sleepless night? This time it might be deliberate!

  1. As always an excellent observation by Dr North however, as Sunack was not wanted even by the membership, I wonder just how many ‘true blue’ voters will actually make the effort to go out and vote for this now thoroughly discredited leader of a moribund party. Could be, their absence or decision to put a cross elsewhere, may be of significance in some constituencies. I have never encountered an election before that has left so many people disheartened and with so little enthusiasm to vote for anyone and yet, I feel it will be worth watching!

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