Moi? No expert!

Yesterday, Sunday 21st May 2023 was the 117th anniversary of my late father’s (above) birth. In July twenty years will have passed since his death.

A lot has happened in this twenty years!

This post’s title states I am no expert. Unlike my late father who was – in the field of heavy current transmission and use. He was a chartered electrical engineer (apologies to electricians reading this but an electrical engineer is a professional man like a doctor of a lawyer and not a tradesman like an electrician or plumber). For most of my formative years “Dad” was a Consulting Engineer and gave evidence as an expert witness in the High Court and also the Court of Appeal.

As I have admitted, I am no expert of any kind. I have opinions and a certain amount of knowledge about some aspects of current affairs and some areas of history. When I blog, I tend to keep to those areas that I have knowledge of. Occasionally I have strayed into the area of Christianity. I keep these instances to a minimum for I am not a theologian and most certainly not a bible scholar! Furthermore, I want very much to avoid “preaching” for that assumed (on my part) a certain vanity for I do not feel myself equipped to do such.


I have found YouTube to be something of a revelation (apologies for the pun) for a chap who is retired (has time on his hands) and has a top spec’ 55 inch Sony TV for I have discovered that with the dramatic cost reductions of late of high quality (HD broadcast quality) kit, many many vloggers produce videos whose broadcast quality equals that of the mainstream terrestrial broadcasters! This I think has brought about a paradigm shift in viewing habits on the part of the general populace.

Regular readers of the BG will know that I am regarded by the PC Brigade as a “climate change denier” and thus must be in league with Beelzebub! For the record, I am not! I do not deny that the climate is changing. For the record, I am not (to my conscious knowledge) in league with Beelzebub! It is just that I don’t think climate change is down to people getting into their Range Rovers (aka Chelsea tractors) and driving around London incurring exorbitant fees charged by that nice Mr Kahn!

What concerns me about the climate change issue is that so many authorities (in the broadest sense) appear to be singing off the same hymn sheet. Thus it is when I see such luminaries as former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau going on about the dangers (to humanity) of CO2 and witness those to very nice men, presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin along with the equally nice Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (President of Egypt) I think “What is going on here!”

When I switch on the TV and listen to the BBC (aka Balderdash Broadcasting Collective) wail about the melting of the Ross Ince sheet in Antarctica but FAIL to mention the cause – a volcano on the sea bed below it erupting and heating the water – I ask: Why (the deception)?

In some earlier posts and determined to provoke a response, I asked a question: MIGHT some governments have been in contact (by means of radio communication) of an advance extraterrestrial civilisation? Even asking this question had many readers regard me henceforth as a lunatic. It was intended to provoke a debate. It failed!

Whilst many people are still getting very worried about rising CO2 levels, I happen to think that there is an actual danger coming into existence. In expressing these concerns I am in esteemed company: No less a personage as Mr Elon Musk!

Mr Musk has publicly on repeated occasions sought to bring the public’s attention to the dangers of Artificial Intelligence becoming sentient and possessing a collective intelligence in a “hive mind” exponentially greater in size than the most intelligent human being. These concerns have not prevented Mr Musk from developing this area of technology and of note, developing what he calls a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) which is a device (circuitry) surgically implanted below the skull in direct contact with the brain so as to enable direct communication betwixt man and machine (and presumably one of his motor cars)!

Well, I have news for Mr Musk. Not only am I not interested in purchasing one of his electric cars, I am no more keen to have my brain surgically connected to the internet than I am to experience electrocution in the electric chair!

These developments have sparked off (apologies for the pun!) a number of Christian vloggers into speculating about the End Times and the Second Coming. Now I know at this point many readers will shout out “Oh no! Not again!” and immediately click the back button and exit. However, for those of you who are prepared to bear with me, read on:

I draw your attention Dear Reader to two YouTube videos below:

GOTO: (AI, Trans-humanism and the Coming Antichrist ~ The Majesty and Mystery Tour [< 20 minutes])

GOTO: (Third Temple Mystery Revealed | End Times Update ~ The Majesty and Mystery Tour [< 17 minutes])

NB: I have myself already ventured into this area for in my blog post entitled “The Walking Dead” ( I raised the disturbing and unholy spectre of “sex robots” designed and manufactured to enable men to indulge their sexual fantasies and lust with a machine. Towards the end of this post I begin to speculate upon biblical references to the mark of the Beast.

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