Brexit: “A statesman has no time for vengeance….” Above, Charlton Heston playing Richelieu and inset, George Fraser. It would be incorrect to attribute the above quote to Cardinal…
There are NO votes in prisons! Above, The “Father of the House”, Kenneth Clarke in the Commons. With Brexit and so many other things happening at…
Madame Mayhem: Between a rock (the EU) and a hard place (Trump's USA). Above, a map of the Nord steam 2 gas pipeline (click on image for full size rendition). There is a…
The Road to Purgatory? No! More like “The Road to Syracuse” or “Sitting under the sword of Damocles!” Above, Richard Westall’s Sword of Damocles (1812) NB: the boys of Cicero’s anecdote have been changed to maidens for the…
Problode, hardibold Brexit by Ultrafold, lead to great joy for Ultrabole, but much miseryfold for all else! Tutty tut: Carry on Brexit! Above a captured screen-shot of the late great Stanley Unwin in the comedy classic “Carry On Regardless” released in 1961.…
Oh What a Lovely War! Is history about to repeat itself? Above, a theatre with the musical Oh What a Lovely War! Playing. It is an oft forgotten historical FACT that…
Two views on Brexit: The insane and the sane. In common with most users of the internet, we received this morning emails from senders who have us on their…
Discombobulation: Delusions of drama. Above Sir Kenneth Arthur Dodd OBE and Lady Dodd meeting HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. Ken…
Power without responsibility: Prostitutes and the press. Above, a depressing record. The British Gazette espouses some unpopular causes. This is why it is ignored. Those who the…
The future: A tempestuous New World! Above, Anne Francis as Dr. Edward Morbius’s daughter, Altaira. The title of Aldous Huxley’s novel, Brave New World (written in…