Much ado about not a lot. There has been much comment in the media about Mr. Ed Miliband beating his brother, Mr. David Miliband to the…
Not the Pink Panther. “Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon…
The Elephant in the Conference Hall. This is Business Secretary on TV before giving his conference speech today. There has been a lot of bro-ha-ha over…
RSPCA – versus – Miss Mary Bale. The above photograph shows Miss Bale being driven away by police for her own protection. In the normal course of…
Lib-Dem tax policy: resurrect the Star Chamber. The above image is of the Star Chamber. The Court of Star Chamber was an English court of law that…
Obituary: Freedom and Liberty. The British Gazette regrets to advise its readers that Freedom and Liberty have passed away after a long decline.The above…
Is CO2 a climate changer? No, but the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is. “California’s climate change is caused by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, not by Carbon Dioxide.” With these fourteen words, scientist Roy…
The Terrorist of Tomorrow: A portent of what is to come. The above video is one of the most worrying and portentous signs of “the shape of things to come….” This…
Climategate: a report by Andrew Montford For today’s article the British Gazette is making available an important report produced by Andrew Montford on the Climategate. The…
An open letter to Chris Huhne from Mr. Simon Conway-Smith. Above is Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. Below is an open letter to him from…