When in a hole……………………………….

Reporting on politics can often involved the recording of records; the biggest majority, the closest vote &C.

The record of the last Tory government from the beginning with the premiership of the deeply flawed Boris Johnson, who was replaced by Liz Truss who in turn was replaced by Rishi Sunak was that of turning a healthy majority achieved at the general election in 2019 to an utter defeat at the general election in 2024.

With the victory of the Labour Party with Sir Kneeler Starmer (above), we political commentators, reporters and journalists recorded how the Labour Party achieved a monumental majority in the Commons on such a relatively low number of the total votes cast. This of course was made possible because of the Disproportional Electoral System that is used!

A former PM put it well: Prime Ministers have to deal with events.

Thus it was when the appalling murders (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c28e8n4l82lo) occurred in Southport the consequences landed on the desk of the Unfortunate Starmer that had the month before been the desk of the Fortunate Sunak!

The actions that occurred following the murders were not of course brought about just by the actions of the new government but were the consequences of the actions of the previous government and ultimately the actions of governments since the end of WW2.

The challenges the United Kingdom faced the day after VJ Day were colossal. The nation was effectively bankrupt with the chief creditor being the USA. Times were tough but they eventually got better. However, as the result of the sum of the actions of previous governments, the UK is now facing an existential challenge to it’s existence far, far more serious that it faced in the autumn of 1945.

In 1945 the country faced an economic and financial challenge.

In 2024 the country faces a cultural and demographic challenge with threatens to terminate the nation that existed in 1945 and replace it with an entirely different nation by 2045.

These colossal historic changes were brought about by successive UK governments and those “concerned citizens” who voiced objections and/or raised concerns were heavily criticised. A prominent early example was of course Enoch Powell following his “Rivers of Blood” speech.

At NO POINT were the citizens of this country specifically asked about this fundamental aspect of public policy.

Thus what we have in 2024 is numerous “communities” that are separated not only geographically but culturally (faith, mores and traditions), demographically (differing birthrates), linguistically and politically.

Tensions between these communities have been exacerbated by discrimination. Initially against the “newcomers” by the indigenous community but latterly against the indigenous community in favour of the “newcomers” (and their descendents) by the government and the institutions!

These changes have been gradual and progressive. They have now culminated by a politicised police force that adopts a “two tier” approach to dealing with criminal offences.

During this period there have been grievous instances of how the authorities “turned a blind eye” to serious offences committed by persons from a certain community. Significantly, in Rotherham where a hotel housing the formerly illegal now irregular migrants were being housed was attacked by a mob some of whom attempted to set the building on fire and partially succeeded.

Far from trying to begin to pull some chestnuts from the fire, the Unfortunate Starmer has decided on an aggressive policy of “doubling down” making it clear to the indigenous community that severe consequences will follow from the actions of those who committed offences whilst at the same time assuring members of another community that their places of worship and they themselves will be protected by the authorities – presumably from the actions by some members of the indigenous community.

In and of themselves, the threatened severity of “Kneeler’s” actions will make the situation worse: The Public Order Act is a broad statue and affords the CPS some latitude in terms of who they prosecute and who they don’t. Individuals committing specific acts of assault, criminal damage and obstruction will in most cases be prosecuted. However, there is generally a degree of when it comes to those persons who were not directly participating in such criminal acts but were in effect onlookers. In the cases of these onlookers, their degree of culpability will be assessed by the level of their associated involvement – such as cheering the actions of those committing offences or making vocal statements in support of the same.

Thus – IF “Kneeler” insists upon an aggressive and severe approach it will be the case that many of these “onlooking participants” will experience the “knock on the door” over the coming weeks and months and they will find themselves experiencing (for the first time in many cases) the criminal justice system. They will find the experience harsh and will very likely receive custodial sentences.

Of course, these persons will feel themselves to be very harshly treated; something they will have in common with their friends, families and loved ones! “Kneeler” should be in no doubt, no doubt at all, that should he instruct his apparatchiks to “act tough” whole working class, “White British” communities across England will hold him and his government and the authorities in contempt; something that will be exacerbated by “Kneeler’s” kowtowing to a certain “demographic”.

If this were not a bad enough prospect, “Kneeler” is set on aggravating his predicament through his nonsensical and disastrous obsession with “Net Zero” and his war on CO2! Were one hoping that the member of the government directly responsible for this could act as a brake. Unfortunately – for “Kneeler” and the UK – this office of state is in the lunatic hands of “Silly Mili” – a man completely obsessed with ridding Planet Earth of as much CO2 as possible!

“Silly Mili’s obsession will of course land the UK economy in Dire Straits!

Thus the UK will suffer a “Perfect Storm” of both civil and economic strife!

Oh Dear…. Oh Dear…. Oh Dear!

One thought on “When in a hole……………………………….

  1. Enoch Powell said, “The white man will bend the knee to the black man” and I always think of that when I see the picture above, along side Angela Rayner, taking the knee for a black criminal who died of an overdose while in custody. The report on his autopsy stated that, but we mustn’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.

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