What’s the problem ?????????????????????

The Gizmodo news site reports (https://gizmodo.com/un-rejects-stonehenge-as-site-in-danger-outraging-conservationists-2000479146): A Stonehenge conservation group is furious over a UNESCO decision that would keep the UN organization from listing the site as endangered, ostensibly allowing a planned highway expansion.

Herewith National Highways: https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-roads/a303-stonehenge/

BG Comment: I happen to be able to write from 1st hand experience here! I have driven (both ways) along this stretch of road many times since passing my driving test back in 1975.

And now for something completely different! A word in support of the Unfortunate Sir Keir Starmer! Sir Keir has decided to tackle the UK’s planning system with a view to assisting economic growth. I have one thing to say to the Right Honourable gentleman: “Good luck with that!”

I make mention of the length or time since passing my driving test because over that time I have made a number of mistakes – or “errors of judgement” as the Unfortunate Mrs Golding would have it – whilst behind the wheel of a motor car! In that time, I have also been witness to a great number of such “errors of judgment” made by other road users! One of the biggest dangers on the road is driver distraction – which is why the police do not like to see motorists using mobile ‘phones whilst at the wheel!

It happens to be the case that when driving on the A303 past Stonehenge the thing one must look for is drivers gawping at the monument. This is especially the case with oncoming traffic! I have applied the brakes, have flashed my lights and sounded the horn (continuously) on more than one occasion whilst on that stretch of road!

Given my above mentioned experiences, I greet the news of a tunnel beneath the remains with the greatest enthusiasm! As for the objections that deep excavation may disturb the remains of long dead persons, well I am concerned with ensuring that persons alive today are not dead tomorrow!

To borrow a phrase from a certain Donald J. Trump, “Drill baby, drill!” with a pneumatic drill – what my readers on the other side of the pond refer to as a “jackhammer”.

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